How to Organize a Project/She Shed

From the Desk of Clearissa Coward’s Command Center

How to Organize a Project/She Shed

Original Post: Hubpages

How This Project Began:

For over a year now I have salivated over the beautiful and organized She-Sheds. I have had a picture hanging in my office for over a year and a half wishing for the pretty and organized space. My shed is very small (quite a dilemma since I cannot enlarge it because I live in a townhouse), but I thought it could still be organized. It is still not a space where I can store large DIY and paint projects or even work on large projects, but I have turned it into an organized space. Do know it is still a work in progress but isn’t everything always a work in progress with me? That is the fate of a DIYer/Organizer. 🙂

Before you begin this journey with me, you must imagine what the space looked like before the project. The space was full of stuff piled up everywhere. There were no storage shelves, the walls were bare with the studs showing and the rafters were exposed in the ceiling. Oh yeah…and a bare lightbulb was the only light fixture and the floor was a dull concrete slab. It was just a mess.

Read the entire article and see the photos here. 

Remember to share…


Idea Box

5 thoughts on “How to Organize a Project/She Shed

  1. Cyndee says:

    Great idea, Clearissa! Been trying to do this for years! Thank you for sharing on Idea Box. Please place a link back to us on your post. Hope to see you back next week!

  2. Clearissa Coward says:

    Hi Cyndee, Thank you for stopping by. I will continue to tweak it but at least at the end of summer this year, we will be able to store our stuf away and find it easily next year. Oh sorry, I added the link back on my party page. I will add one on the post as well. See you next week and thank you for hosting.

  3. Pingback: The Fall Switcheroo | Clearissa's Command Center

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