In What Do You Believe?

From the Desk of Clearissa Coward’s Command Center via My Soulful Life

In What Do You Believe?

In what do you believe? What is the thread of your existence? What helps you keep striving every day? For some of us it is a religious connection. A belief in God or at least a higher power that directs our life, orders our steps and helps us to make positive decisions. For others, there is a spiritual connection, not to be confused with a religious affiliation as religion and spirituality are quite different. Spirituality can refer to personal growth, a connection to mother earth or a belief in one’s own intuition, but it is not always connected to any organized religious institution.

No matter which direction one chooses, we all need something to believe in to make this journey here on earth worthwhile. There is an old adage that says” if you don’t believe in something, you will fall for anything.” Do you believe this?

It has been my experience that a person who does not have a baseline, who is not grounded in some sort of belief system, will live an inept life.

I personally walked out of the fog when I walked into a partnership with God. I realize it isn’t for everyone but that relationship, more than any other I have ever had has become the grounding force in my life. Before beginning this journey, there was this empty space in my soul that nothing else could touch. Once I connected with my higher power and liked minded people, I found a source of support and love like I had never known.

When a person is grounded in some sort of belief system they don’t look different on the outside and that’s okay. It’s the inside that really matters and it is that internal change that has helped me and many others forgive those who may have wronged us. It is that internal change that now guides us to give back to our community. It is that internal change that helps to define the image we want to portray for our children and grandchildren. It is that internal change that helps us remain tranquil when others are in turmoil.  My personal walk has enhanced my life.

I was speaking with a friend who is not affiliated with organized Christianity but is a spiritual person, by her own definition, and instead of prayers, she gets through her day and tough times using daily affirmations. Affirmations are positive words spoken to oneself and she says she does this all day long. Another friend once said when he is going through a tough time, he likes to be alone so he can internalize and listen to his inner voice to help guide him in the right direction.

There you have it…three of us. All very different people, all connected in some way but all believing in something. The key to our deep connection with each other is our separate connection to something bigger than us. Believe in something. Be a dreamer and a doer.

In what do you believe?


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