A Cozy Lifestyle with Clearissa Coward
25 Things You Need To Declutter Immediately
Decluttering can make a huge difference in creating a calm and organized space. I realize we are in the midst of the holiday season and your plate may be full of preparations, but this is a great time to organize those decorations as you pull them out. And while you’re at it, get prepared for the organization season that follows, for most people, in January. Start now by decluttering 25 items to make an immediate impact! Below are 25 things you can declutter immediately to get started. 25 things you need to declutter immediately.
- Expired Pantry Items – Check for expired spices, sauces, and canned goods.
- Unused Appliances – If you have not used it in the last year, it might be time to let it go. Difficult, I know but why keep it if you are not using it? I decluttered my air fryer last week. That was hard but I don’t use it.
- Duplicate Utensils – Keep only the essentials you use regularly.
- Old Tupperware – Recycle those with missing lids or that are stained.
- Mismatched or Chipped Dishes – Clear out any damaged or unmatched items.
 Living Room
- Old Magazines and Newspapers – Recycle or donate them.
- Throw Pillows – Keep only the ones you actually use or that match your current decor. I stopped buying throw pillows years ago and started buying pillow covers instead.
- Broken or Outdated Electronics – Recycle old remotes, cords, or devices.
- DVDs and CDs You Never Use – Go digital or keep only your favorites.
- Unused Decor Items – If it doesn’t spark joy, let it go. Another difficult one but one I am working on.
- Clothes You Don’t Wear – Donate items that do not fit, are not your style, or have not been worn in a year.
- Old or Uncomfortable Shoes – If they’re damaged or uncomfortable, it’s time to say goodbye.
- Expired Makeup and Skincare – Toss anything old or expired to make room.
- Jewelry You Never Wear – Sort through and keep only what you love.
- Old Bedding – Keep only quality sheets and donate or recycle the rest.
- Expired Medicine – Dispose of it properly according to guidelines.
- Half-Used Products – If you have not touched it in months, toss or recycle it.
- Extra Towels and Washcloths – Keep a few and donate the rest if you have too many.
- Old Toothbrushes and Razors – Replace as needed and discard the old ones.
- Empty Toiletry Bottles – Recycle any empties or near-empty bottles.
Office or Workspace
- Old Papers and Documents – Shred or recycle anything you no longer need.
- Excess Pens and Office Supplies – Keep a few, and donate the rest.
- Old Notebooks and Sticky Notes – Keep only the ones you’re currently using.
- Broken or Obsolete Tech Items – Recycle any outdated devices or gadgets.
- Instruction Manuals – Most are online now, so recycle the physical copies.
Start with just one category at a time, and enjoy the extra space and simplicity as you go! You will be so pleased and accomplished once you are done. Also, you are getting a headstart on your January organization.
Hugs & Blessings,Â