How To Find Balance In Your Life

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From the Desk of Clearissa Coward’s Command Center

How To Find Balance In Your Life

A Cozy Lifestyle with Clearissa Coward

Whether you are a blogger with a full-time job a mother who homeschools and runs a business from her home or a stay-at-home dad who also takes online classes, we all need to learn to balance all that we do or burn out is inevitable. I got to thinking about how we can pull it all together while not neglecting any of the important things in our lives. Thus, this article, How To Find Balance In Your Life.

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From a blogger’s perspective, writing is a solitary task. Writing/blogging requires concentration and absolute commitment. However, as I said previously, writing is not unlike any other job or task that requires uninterrupted time and focus.

Are all these scary statements true? Absolutely and more importantly, without work-life balance, you, your career, and your family will suffer. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

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There is only one secret: PLAN YOUR TIMEI don’t believe you heard me so I’ll say it again, PLAN YOUR TIME.
This is step one for life-balance success. Without it, your schedule, and your psychic will suffer and you will become anxious and overwhelmed. And you will be less effective if you are stressed and all aspects of your life will suffer.

How To Balance Your Life

How can you do it?

It’s easier than you think. Make a simple rough plan of the time allowed for your projects every day. It is highly important to know exactly WHEN and WHAT you should be doing throughout your day. I also believe timers can be very effective when you first begin to schedule your time. Once the allotted time for a project or task is over and the timer goes off, you must move on to the next item on your list. Do NOT allow yourself to make excuses…”I’ll just spend 15 more minutes on this” or “I’ll complete my task list tomorrow”. These excuses are not allowed if you are respecting your time and your schedule. Believe me, it will get easier if you stick with it. as a matter of fact, it will become second nature and the timer will become unnecessary at some point.

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In the beginning, make the schedule simple.

You can work out an appropriate schedule for your family needs. The example below works well for a stay at home writer/blogger.

9:00AM – 11:00AM – After breakfast, and as soon as the family has scattered (school and/or work) complete any research needed for your next blog post for one to two hours, depending on the subject matter.

11:00AM – 11:15AM – Break – To avoid burnout, move around, stretch.

11:15AM – 12:30PM – Household Chores (set timer)

12:30PM – 1:30PM – Lunch

1:30PM – 3:30PM – Use your morning research to begin your writing project

3:30PM – 5:30PM – Prepare dinner and greet family (homework if there are children, family time)

5:30PM – 7:30PM – Schedule for next day, begin and hopefully complete writing assignment, and schedule socialization of blog post

7:30PM – 10:00PM – Family time and prep for next day

This schedule is an example only and notice that I have included time with children. We are empty nesters and so our evening time varies for sure. I also based this schedule on someone who works from home while I have a full-time job. It is a sample to help you get started on your own.

The plan is adjustable and can be tweaked to fit your current lifestyle for sure. The take-aways here are:

Use a timer in the beginning

Schedule breaks to avoid burnout

Stick to the schedule and never give up

Make your family aware that you have a schedule and it is important

Schedule family time and days off. You must not get burned out nor should you put your family on the back burner. Balance is the key.

If you respect your job, even if your job is at home, others will do so as well. What is more important, they will not feel neglected as you will focus on them when they are around. Furthermore, household chores will not fall behind and you will not feel overwhelmed. It’s all about an appropriate schedule for your family and lifestyle.

In order to have balance, “A little every day” is my motto, and, in the long run, everything is done and everybody is happy. Keeping your writing or other workday projects and family under control will make you feel satisfied and everyone, including you, will be happy.

Finally, who says you cannot have balance in your life? Shatter the myth! It’s up to you to enjoy both your family and your career. Simply schedule your time!

So I believe in schedules and checklists, But you may have other techniques. Share your techniques for how do you keep your priorities in order? Are you a schedule person or do you fly by the seat of your pants? If you need a quick to-do list, subscribe to my blog, and get your free, downlable “To Do” list. Turn your To-Do into Ta-Da.

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Don’t forget to check out my eBook; Organize Your Life in 21 Days. It is available for download and has a variety of small projects to help you take on and complete organizational projects. Some you may not have even thought of.   Get your copy today.


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Thank you guys for all of the support you show to me and my blog. I feel so blessed because of you.

 Until next time…I remain in my Element – God Bless!





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Thank You for Stopping By!

Hugs & Blessings, 


3 thoughts on “How To Find Balance In Your Life

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