How And Why To Organize Kitchen Drawers

How And Why To Organize Kitchen Drawers

A Cozy Lifestyle with Clearissa Coward

How And Why To Organize Kitchen Drawers

“If you can organize your kitchen, you can organize your life” – Louise Parrish

How And Why To Organize Kitchen Drawers

How And Why To Organize Kitchen Drawers

Organizing kitchen drawers can make cooking and meal prep much easier. And let’s face it, we all need to make everything slow and easy during the summer when everyone is home more often. Today I am sharing ideas for organizing your kitchen drawers for optimal use.

How And Why To Organize Kitchen Drawers

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1. Empty the Drawers: Start by emptying the drawers. This allows you to see what you have and what needs to be organized. It also allows you to wipe out or vacuum out the drawers.

2. Sort and Declutter: While the drawers are empty, you can sort through the items you’ve taken out. Discard any broken, duplicate, or unused items. Consider donating duplicates or items you rarely use.

How And Why To Organize Kitchen Drawers

3. Group Similar Items: Categorize your kitchen tools and utensils. For example, group together spatulas, spoons, whisks, etc. This step will help you decide how to allocate space in your drawers.

4, Use Drawer Organizers: Invest in drawer organizers or dividers to keep things tidy. These come in various shapes and sizes and can help compartmentalize different types of items. For instance, use a divider for cutlery, another for cooking utensils, and so on. If the drawer dividers are not in your budget, you can also use dollar store containers to do the same job for less.

How And Why To Organize Kitchen Drawers

5. Assign Drawers by Function: Consider assigning drawers based on function. For instance, designate one drawer for cooking utensils, another for baking tools, and a separate one for cutlery. This makes it easier to find what you need quickly.

6. Prioritize Accessibility: Place frequently used items in easily accessible drawers. Things like spatulas, mixing spoons, and knives that you use daily should be in the most convenient drawers.

How And Why To Organize Kitchen Drawers

7. Label If Necessary: If you have multiple drawers or different family members using the kitchen, labeling drawers can be helpful. It ensures everyone knows where things belong, making it easier to maintain organization.

8. Maximize Space: Utilize the vertical space by using drawer organizers with different compartments or adding stackable organizers. This allows for better use of space and keeps items separated.

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9. Regular Maintenance: Make it a habit to revisit your drawers periodically. Remove any items that don’t belong and reorganize if things get out of place. It’s an ongoing process to maintain a tidy kitchen.

10. Adapt and Adjust: If you find that a certain organizational method isn’t working, don’t hesitate to adjust. I revisit and/or adjust processes often. Everyone has different needs, so tailor the organization to what works best for you and your cooking style.

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If your kitchen is organized, it is much easier to prep and prepare meals. An organized kitchen also makes it easier for other family members to help with the maintenance. By following these steps and customizing them to fit your kitchen’s specific needs, you can create an organized and efficient kitchen space! Hsppy Summer.

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Hugs & Blessings, 

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3 thoughts on “How And Why To Organize Kitchen Drawers

  1. Carol says:

    Great tips. I was so lucky that the condo came with an updated kitchen and lots of drawers. You should see my bag drawer: sandwich bags, quart storage, quart freezer, gallon storage, gallon freezer, bags for crock pot, bags for oven. That is my favorite drawer. Pinned and x.

  2. Clearissa Coward says:

    Hi Carol. You are so blessed. I would love to update my kitchen. You should post pictures in group. I would love to see your new kitchen, including your bag drawer. :)Thank you so much for stopping in and for the pin. Hugs and blessings.

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