How To Prepare Your Home And Family For Summer

How To Prepare Your Home And Family For Summer

A Cozy Lifestyle with Clearissa Coward

How To Prepare Your Home And Family For Summer

  • “Summertime is always the best of what might be.” Charles Bowden

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How To Prepare Your Home And Family For Summer

Summer is officially here. Although weather-wise, it has felt like summer for the entire month of June here in North Carolina. But it is officially summer today. With that in mind, I am sharing tips for how to prepare your home and family for summer.

How To Prepare Your Home And Family For Summer

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Get your air conditioning system serviced: This is very important. The worst thing to happen during summer is for your air conditioner to go out during the hottest days of summer. Trust me, it has happened to us. So, I suggest you make sure your air conditioning system is working properly before the hot weather hits. Clean or replace filters, check for leaks and ensure the system is running efficiently. We have our system serviced twice a year. Before summer and before winter and that works for us.

How To Prepare Your Home And Family For Summer

Check your outdoor equipment: Inspect your outdoor equipment such as lawnmowers, grills, and outdoor furniture to ensure they are in good working condition. Clean or service as needed. We call our deck the tree house and preparing it for summer is usually an all-day and sometimes a two-day event for hubs and me. We repot plants as needed and clean and decorate our deck to make it comfortable for outdoor living. Cleaning everything is very important. You may also need to power wash and stain your deck. We usually do that every couple of years as well.

How To Prepare Your Home And Family For Summer

Stock up on summer essentials:  Make sure you have all the necessary summer essentials such as sunscreen, insect repellent, and summer gear like hats and sunglasses. This is especially important if you are spending lots of time outside with the kiddos. Make sure the family is protected from the sun and insect bites. I would also like to add that if your family loves to explore the outdoors, carefully check for ticks as well. They can cause serious illnesses and it is better to be safe than sorry.

How To Prepare Your Home And Family For Summer

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Prepare your garden and outdoor space: Get your garden ready for summer by planting flowers, mowing the lawn, and clearing any debris. Set up outdoor seating areas and make sure all outdoor lighting is working. This is my favorite part of the summer prep. As stated above, this is when we repot plants that need it and/or add new soil to plants that have suffered through the winter. We feed and prune plants, clean dirty pots, and do all the things to make our plants happy. This year we also planted a few vegetables as well. We have a potted plant garden, but we love it.

How To Prepare Your Home And Family For Summer

Stay hydrated: Very Important! Make sure your family stays hydrated during the hot summer months by drinking plenty of water and keeping water bottles handy when you are on the go. Soft drinks are tasty and fun but water is best to remain hydrated while enjoying a day in the sun.

How To Prepare Your Home And Family For Summer

Plan summer activities: Research fun summer activities and events in your area for your family to enjoy. This could include trips to the beach, outdoor concerts, or family picnics. It can be difficult to keep kids entertained when they are free for the summer. But do not rely on TV or online activities. Get those kiddos outside and away from electronic devices. Most cities have free activities the family can enjoy and don’t forget your local library. One afternoon per week at your local library is a great way to spend an afternoon. Also, some bookstores have reading areas as well.

How To Prepare Your Home And Family For Summer

Update your emergency kit: Ensure your emergency kit is up to date with essentials such as first aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, and non-perishable food items in case of power outages or emergencies. This is hurricane season in our area, so preparation is key.

How To Prepare Your Home And Family For Summer

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I hope these tips will help you prepare for and have a great family summer and if you follow these tips, you can ensure that your home and family are prepared for a safe and enjoyable summer.


2 thoughts on “How To Prepare Your Home And Family For Summer

  1. Carol says:

    A great collection of ideas. I’m so glad you included updating emergency kit. Our weather has gotten so weird that you can never know what’s going to happen. We all need to be prepared. Pinned and x.

  2. Clearissa Coward says:

    Hi Carol. Thanks for your comment. Friend the way the world/weather is going now, we need to get and stay prepared. I continue to keep my prepper kitch that I began during Covid. I try to stay stocked. The weather is so impredictable lately. Thanks for the pinn and the x. I appreciate you.

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