Organize Your Life For Success

Life Changes

From the Desk of Clearissa Coward’s Command Center – A Cozy Lifestyle

Organize Your Life

A Cozy Lifestyle with Clearissa Coward

Organize Your Life For Success

Things have changed all around us. Business at a standstill. The economy in a slump. People out of work, toilet paper on America’s Most Wanted List, and social distancing is the new norm. When we go out we must dress like we are about to rob a bank in masks and gloves and we are not allowed to hug anymore.  I miss hugs. So many changes, no wonder you may be feeling a bit disconnected from your normal life. While all of this is going on, you must make a conscious effort to Organize Your Life – with the new norm in mind.

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Organizing your life is not all about closets or pantries. Organizing your life is about incorporating your organized closets and pantries with your organized finances, thoughts, and life’s plan.

Organizing your life based on your needs is a best practice for managing your time, resources, and money and is an essential first step if you are to fully achieve your full potential and achieve your goals in life. The reasons for this are simple. An organized clear mind leads to clear and objective goals, which in turn leads to achieving what you set out to do. For example, if my home is in disarray, I do not function well in other aspects of my life. My 9- 5 suffers, my relationships with friends and sometimes even family sometimes suffer if my home and life are in disarray. It may sound funny, but for me, it is all interconnected.

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Have you ever taken a vacation from your job to clean and/or organized your home/life? I have often taken a “staycation” to get my affairs in order. And once it was done, I was more productive on my 9 –  5 because my home was in order. Are you like that as well?

With the children and your husband at home with you during the quarantine, your schedule has to be in disarray – at least at first. But no worries you can get it together and still be organized and productive.

Step 1: for staying organized is to set up a system of resource planning and clerical needs that allows you to plan your time effectively, and allocate where to spend it. In short, this means such steps as using a day planner so that you can plan ahead. You can also download a daily checklist from my free library.

Step 2: while the family is at home with you, be sure to find a quiet place and time to plan your day, journal, self-care, pray, meditate, etc.

Staying Organized

Step 3: getting appropriate stationary systems and office, be it a home office or space within a business office, in order. When your workspace is clean, organized, and quiet, you are more likely to remain focused.

Step 4: is finding and implementing a filing system that works for your organizational style. I preach this all the time. If a system does not work for your personality, it will not work at all. Know which system works for you and implement it. Be it electronic or paper, everyone needs a filing system that works for them individually. And make no mistake, I do not care how electronically savvy we become, we still need a paper trail of sorts.

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I will admit that staying organized is not something that many of us do naturally! For many, it is a learned behavior.  At first, it can even seem overwhelming and stifling at the same time.  This is especially true if you are a “go with the flow” type of person. Truthfully, I was sort of born this way, I have never been a go with the flow type of person. I have always required organization in my life to be at peace. My mom has some stories about me as a child. 🙂 Does she ever – my mom used to tease and call me Martha Stewart in training. 🙂

It is good to be spontaneous on occasion, I wish I were more like that sometimes, but in general, it is vital to plan out what you need to do in a particular time frame because otherwise, it is all too easy to become distracted and get nothing done.  I certainly have had days when I felt as if I were spinning my wheels in knee-deep mud.

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All of us know this to be true if we think about it from the viewpoint of our own lives. For example, when we surf the web we find ourselves flitting between sites, and before you know it a couple of hours have passed! I am so guilty of this! Oh my yes, I can down that rabbit hole for sure. Now, don’t get me wrong. That is one of the joys of the internet, and of life in general. But it is nevertheless a time stealer that staying focused and staying organized could help to negate it. I am consciously working on that.

So then am I saying that staying organized should mean robbing you of the juice of life? Robbing you of the spontaneity? NO! No! NO! For me the exact opposite is true. Staying organized is about finishing the day’s tasks and having time to cram far more good stuff in!

Step 5: Finally, you should know your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to organization and communicate them to yourself regularly to analyze that your wants and needs are being met effectively. Then organize your time based on that feedback. Remember, staying organized provides more of doing the things you like!

Keep with the program. Stay Organized, and Organize YOUR Life For Success! Since you’ve been at home during the social distancing, what are you doing to get and stay organized in this new situation?

Organize your life

Don’t forget to check out my eBook; Organize Your Life in 21 Days. It is available for download and has a variety of small projects to help you take on and complete organizational projects. Some you may not have even thought of.   Get your copy today.


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Thank you guys for all of the support you show to me and my blog. I feel so blessed because of you.

 Until next time…I remain in my Element – God Bless!





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Hugs & Blessings, 

2 thoughts on “Organize Your Life For Success

  1. Carol says:

    This is a really good post. Getting your thoughts organized is so important. It does make organizing your home easier. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Clearissa Coward says:

    Hi Carol. Thank you for your support. I gotta tell you, I really have taken days off from my job to get my house in order and with that my mind. It puts things into perspective.

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