
From the Desk of Customized Virtual Business Solutions

So, a friend got me to thinking. I have several Face Book Friends (FBF) and several friends I know and love apart from FB that are trying to get their hustle on. In other words, they are entrepreneurs. They are trying to make a difference, they are making an honest living and although they would love your business, what they and I would love to have is your support, your referral, your well wishes, your comments, some sort of acknowledgement, etc. In other words, at least nod in our direction to say, “I see you and what you’re trying to do.” If you’re on my friends list, whether we speak often or not, know that I have left you there because you have done me no harm and I mean you no harm as well and if you are an entrepreneur, this invitation goes out to you as well.

I have a platform. Small though it may be, it is mine and with mine I want to support others. With that said, I will take a stand today, July 23, 2014.  I am going start and try to follow-through on a promotion day. As long as I have friends trying to make a difference, I will use Thursday’s as Take-It-To-Them Thursday (TITTT). And on TITTTs, I will promote the sites and endeavors of three others in my Face Book circle.

Here is what I need from you…if you have a business, inbox me with the link and a tag line (family friendly please). Something to go along with the link and picture and on Thursdays, my blog will be devoted to promoting three of my fellow entrepreneurs. Also, if I miss a Wednesday, if I appear to wane on this project…please, please, please, inbox me and remind that I put this promise in writing. J Help me to remain focused and help me to maintain the spark.

Drum Roll Please…This is the beginning!!!

This week’s profiled entrepreneurs are below. Help me support those who are working it!

Top Six Productions

http://top6productions.com/your-intro  – Where the music meets your mind. Top 6 Productions offers an array of creative musical related services including voice overs and new artist production…“Make Music Any Way You Can”

 Wouldn’t Trade Nothing for My Journey

https://www.blogger.com/profile/09674923102272894325 – The blog that tells it like it is. Rich, Real, and Raw content. You don’t want to miss one step of her journey. 

Travel Diva 

http://atraveldiva.com – The Travel Diva will take you where you want to go. Let Travel Diva make the plans and all you have to do is make the memories

#allthingsarepossible                   #thereisroomforeachofus                             #togetherwearepowerful



2 thoughts on “Take-It-To-Them-Thursday

  1. Elisa says:

    Awesome Post! What an awesome idea! Doesn’t take much effort to support a friend or fellow entrepreneur. Zig Ziglar said it best…
    “You can get everything you want in life, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”
    Success Is Ours!!
    “Be Bold in your stance, Be Confident in your presence, Be Fabulous in your style!”

  2. Clearissa Coward says:

    Thank you Elisa…When we help someone else it only increases our personal territory. Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time to leave a comment. It means a lot to me.

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