From the Desk of Clearissa Coward’s Command Center/My Soulful Life/
Thankful Thursday – 1-1-2014
Merry Christmas!!
Oh so much to be thankful for this past year. I hardly know where to begin. During this time of year, I, like most folks, tend to reflect on my life and actually slow down and take a minute to truly look back over the past year and how much God has done in my life. Don’t get me wrong…of course there have been some valleys this year, but each and every valley has taught me a lesson. Each and every valley has eventually passed. Each and every valley has strengthened my faith. Each and every valley has made me even more grateful for the times I was able to reach the top of the mountain. I am thankful for the valleys I endured this past year.
I am thankful for having all that I needed this past year. There were times I wasn’t sure there would be enough, but each time I thought there was a problem, He showed me He was in control and made a way sometimes out of no way. He even made it possible for me to help and bless others. What a blessing.  I am thankful.
I watched, feeling helpless, as my only child struggled with her health this year. I watch as she struggled financially. I stood by while she fought to remain healthy and to not allow her health to affect her viability to her profession. I felt helpless until I fell to my knees and gave my child and her struggles to The Father. I placed her and her problems on the alter and left them there and He hasn’t failed me yet. My daughter made it through her tough times. Jehovah Jireh even provided a way for me to help her financially. Because of Him we made it through again and again. I am thankful I know Him and was able to intercede for my daughter and her children. They are blessings. Did I mention that I was blessed to watch my daughter and granddaughter walk that isle of my church and give their hearts and lives to God this year? I was also blessed to watch my then 1-year old grandson dedicated to Christ as well. Oh Happy Day!!! I am thankful.
This year marked 1 year of marriage for hubby and me. Neither of us are spring chickens any longer 🙂 but the joy we have is ageless and timeless. I am thankful that at this space and place in my life I met someone with whom I am equally yoked. He makes me want to know more, do more, stretch my faith and be more dedicated to this journey I have chosen or has chosen me…I’m not quite sure which. I met a man who takes his family to church. I met a man who studies and follows the Word; I met a man with a healthy fear and a dedicated respect for Christ. How wonderful it is to love and be loved by a man of faith. I am thankful.
Each year I create a vision board and this year was no different. When I looked back over my board, I was speechless when I realized how far He has brought me and mine. I did not reach all of my goals, but many were met and I am wise enough to know that although I took the first step, without Him I would not be this far along. I am thankful that He breathed in my direction during 2014. And as for the goals I did not reach, well He didn’t say no. He just said be still and wait. I am more than happy and willing to do just that, because I have surrendered and there is no turning back now. I am Thankful for a growing faithfulness.
For 2015, I will do a vision board once again, but for 2015 my vision board will become my prayer board and every prayer that is answered will be written on a piece of paper and placed in a jar and when it’s time to reflect on 2015 I will have a record of prayers answered and each note will be a thank you to The Provider.
I am thankful for so much, prayers answered, a loving family, good friends in my life, a source of income, and a passion developing, growing and brewing in a way that makes me realize, it is time to take the next step. And I will do that because I am learning to walk by faith and not by sight. I am thankful that I truly believe that all things are possible…
I am thankful. Tell me about your year end reflection.
#cccc   #divinelyorganized   #soulfullife  #thankfulthursday  #allthingsarepossible
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