The Necessity Of An Organized Toolbox – We All Need One


From the Desk of Clearissa Coward’s Command Center – Divinely Organized

The Necessity Of An Organized Toolbox – We All Need One

Tool Box

We all know that using the right tool makes any job easier. But, can you find your tools when you need them? Are they all in one place or are they here and there and everywhere? Can you go directly to a hammer or screw drver when needed?

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Are you always digging around for the right tool? Hammers abound, but why are the flat-edge screwdrivers always missing? Wouldn’t it be great to have everything in an easy-to-find space? Here are some steps and tips to get you on your way. Tool Box

Step 1: Inventory

First, start by gathering all your tools. Make a list of the locations where you found your tools. Garage, kitchen, basement, car, truck? Lay them all out on a bedsheet or blanket. Sort them by type to get an idea of how many different kinds of tools you have.

Next, examine each tool and decide what to keep.

  • Have I ever used it? Some tools passed down thru the family should be kept for sentimental reasons, but others that you’ve never used can surely go.
  • Is it a duplicate? If so, how many of this tool do I need?
  • Is it broken? If it isn’t usable and can not be repaired then discard it.
  • Have I replaced it with a multi-purpose tool that does the job more efficiently?
  • Does a neighbor have a better version that I usually borrow?


Toss out the broken tools, sell the good ones on eBay, get a tax break by donating to a local charitable organization, have a “yard sale” or help a favorite young person or first-time homeowner begin their first toolbox. Only keep the tools you are sure to use in the future.

Step 2: Make a Plan

Using your list of locations from step 1, think about how and where you use your tools. You may decide to centralize your tools in the garage or basement. Begin sorting your tool collection into groups according to their desired location. This will help you to determine the storage space requirements for each area.


Step 3: Choose your Tool Storage System

The internet is a great tool for finding the latest tool storage solutions. Portable tool boxes are great for on-the-go types to keep in their car or truck. Behind-the-wheel tool boxes for pickup trucks are a great way to take advantage of unused truck bed space. If you have a ton of small parts, you may consider some plastic storage cabinets with sliding drawers. Pegboards work nicely in the garage or basement workspace to keep tools handy and off the countertops. Maybe you need some new shelving to store larger-sized tools.

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Step 4: Implement your new Tool Storage System

If you have ordered a new toolbox or some other tool storage system, then when it arrives place your tools in order. Once you’ve got everything in its place, remember to always take the extra time to put items away when they are done being used. If you have added a pegboard, consider drawing an outline around each tool as it hangs on the pegboard to make it easier to know where to return the tool. Your new system will work best if it is maintained.


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Get motivated—you’ll be glad you did. Once you’re organized, maybe you will even have space to buy a few new tools! But remember to only purchase tools you will use.

Organize your life


Don’t forget to check out my eBook; Organize Your Life in 21 Days. It is available for download and has a variety of small projects to help you organize your life one small project at a time. Get your copy today.


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Until next time…Find And Remain In Your Own Personal Element – God Bless!

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24 thoughts on “The Necessity Of An Organized Toolbox – We All Need One

  1. Amy Johnson says:

    Great idea! My kids live in a small apt. and my husband gave them a tool box filled with the necessary tools. It’s come in handy several times for them.

  2. Clearissa Coward says:

    Hi Amy. I know you’re right. I use my tools all the time. Well one of us do. When my husband and I got married, he was really impressed with the fact that I had a well stock toolbox and a palm sander and a paint gun. Of course I had never used my paint gun. 🙂 Thanks Amy for stopping in. Have a blessed week.

  3. Anne Fraser says:

    I must admit that I think of tool boxes as my husband’s department. I think I ought to get my own box and practice using it in case something happens.

  4. Pat says:

    A good tool box full of a variety of tools is always useful. I pinned your post to my ” Get Organized” board. Thanks!

  5. Leslie says:

    I think this technique could be used for lots of things…like my crafting supplies. It would be a great help to see what I have (ha) and know where it is. That way I don’t keep rebuying the same stuff over and over. Genius.

  6. Dee | says:

    I have a cute purple toolbox full of every tool I could possibly need! It was a Christmas gift. Every woman needs her very own. Shared x 3 ♥

  7. Sylvia says:

    Great ideas! I love my toolbox! I have more household tools than my hubby does and he is always wanting to borrow mine! Sharing!

  8. Clearissa Coward says:

    I agree Leslie. I use this technique for a lot of areas in my home. My husband says I’m obsessive. I say I am an organization enthusiast. 🙂 But why is he always calling my name when he can’t find something? Hummmmmm? 🙂

  9. Clearissa Coward says:

    Hi Anne. I had my own toolbox when I met my husband. I began with a small one, and later on, my MOTHER bought me a big one. Humphf, my husband was so impressed with me because I had so many tools. But truth be told, my little one worked fine for me but my mom bought the bigger one, and my dad bought me lots of tools I had to Google and Youtube how to use. 🙂 But I’m grateful because I can use most of them now. 🙂

  10. Clearissa Coward says:

    Hi Carol, I agree. It took me years as well to learn to use all of the tools my dad…the handyman…kept buying before he passed. I have the hammers, different screw drivers, hand sander down pat. Know how to use them. Now I need to learn how to use power tools. 🙂

  11. Nana K says:

    Great post! A toolbox would make a fabulous housewarming gift! Mine are in a drawer close at hand. I think you could use your suggestions for all sorts of tools (such as my sewing supplies). Thanks for sharing

  12. Clearissa Coward says:

    Thank you Nana K. I appreciate that. Yes I do think these tips could be used for other areas of one’s home. We just need to be consistent. Again, thank you for stopping in.

  13. Candi Randolph says:

    My toolbox has way too much stuff in it, with duplicates and things that should just go bye-bye. Thanks for giving us a simple tool (no pun intended) to use to organize and clean it out!

  14. Helen says:

    Clearissa, I needed this motivation to get organizedwhen it comes to tools. I am always searching for a hammer or a screw driver! Pinming!

  15. Alice V-DIYerfy says:

    tool organization is so important. When it comes to tools, that’s mostly my husband’s department and he is super organized about them. If only I can do the same with my craft supplies. I kind of just throw them into their bins. Happy to be cohosting with you again at #OMGHWW.

  16. Clearissa Coward says:

    Hi Alice. Thanks for stopping in. Not the case any longer but when we met, I had more tools than my hubs but that is no longer the case. He took my collection and grew it. 🙂 So I dialed down and bought a small toolbox for the necessities and he now has a huge toolbox. I don’t believe his box is as organized as mine. 🙂 Have a blessed Easter.

  17. Indah Nuria says:

    I learn similar trick from my hubby, who is somehow neater than me LOL. But you’re right.. we have to have a good storage plan when it comes to handy tools. Happy to co-host with you in #OMHGWW

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