The Storage Shed Fall Project

From the Desk of Clearissa’s Command Center/Divinely Organized ~ The Storage Shed Fall Project

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I did! I actually stepped away from the computer for a couple of days and I really needed that. Starting a new blog/business is not easy and can become all consuming. So I took some time to reevaluate and refocus and I am beginning this week a little calmer and a little less stressed by it all. I am grateful for that.

I am about to broach a subject that could get me into a lot of trouble but I am throwing caution to the wind and discussing how to prepare your fall to do list. Yes I know many of you are hanging onto summer with everything you have and I am okay with that. But as for me, I am ready to trim my roses (they have done extremely well this year, I might add), lay a fresh layer of mulch, plant some pansies in pots, cover my deck furniture and cozy in for the coming winter. However, before I snuggle in, there are a few fall chores I am placing on my to do list.

So I am beginning  my fall to-do series and if you’re not ready, that’s okay. You can just file it away for later when you are ready to let go of the hot and humid, lazy days of summer.

Number one, and the one we are discussing today, is to organize and redesign my storage shed. I need the cooler temperatures in order to be comfortable outside working because this is going to be a laborious project.  My shed is a small space and currently it is filled to capacity. There is no need to make room for a lawnmower because I live in a townhome and for the most part, outside maintenance is not my responsibility. And it should not be with the astronomical HOA fees I pay. But I digress. I do want to put my signature on my shed and although we are not obligated to take care of the yard, we do everything except mow the lawn. I have a rose garden out front and my back yard is fenced; therefore it is solely our responsibility. Luckily, there isn’t any grass, it’s a natural area with stepping stones so all it requires is fresh mulch twice a year, but I have azaleas, and a grapevine, and hostas, and various other plants in posts. I said all that to say, we do have gardening tools and lots of them. And now you understand why my small shed area is so jam-packed.

Like any good organizer/redesigner I am doing my research. I am pulling pictures of storage sheds together and I am comparing and deciding what I like about each one. As I discussed in a previous post, I do not desire to create a replica of the pictures I chose, but I do intend to take something from each of them and create “my” perfect storage area. The perfect one for me and my family and our needs.

However, this time I have a dilemma. During the research process, I have found, what I consider, the most perfect storage shed ever! It is functional but even more importantly, it is cutesy. I love cutesy! Yes even in the storage shed. My new hubby shakes his head at that one because he doesn’t get the cutesy in the shed thing.

So take a look at the photos I have chosen and give me your opinion as to which styles you like most and what you like about each one. I will consider your ideas in my plan as well. I will review all of the suggestions and at the completion of the project I will give a nice surprise to the person whose ideas I use in the project. More to come on the Shed Project Give Away.  And hey, if you have any pictures of creative shed organization send them to me. I would love to hear from you.

I hope your week  is filled with joy and grace!

#allthingsarepossible                  #ccc                    #theshedproject

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Perfect Shed  Shed 4  Shed 2 (2)         Shed 1     


2 thoughts on “The Storage Shed Fall Project

  1. Elizabeth says:

    Oh, they are all so pretty! I like the first one, but love the chair in #2. I am telling you that my shed looks nothing like that inside! Danger central!

  2. Clearissa Coward says:

    hahaha. Thank you for stopping buy and bringing laughter Elizabeth. Currently my shed is danger central as well. But I am pledging to have some semblance of that first picture in the post. 🙂

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