Weekly Organization/Cleaning Tip – The Bathroom


From the Desk of Clearissa Coward’s Command Center/Divinely Organized

Weekly Organization Tip – The Bathroom

 Monday Memories


A while back I did a series of articles sharing tips for staying organized.  Every week I shared an organization tip to help you maintain your organization throughout the week which means less work during your weekend or free time. I thought it would be fun to share these tips again and possibly add on to the list. Let’s get to sharing. Welcome to Monday Memories.


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C4 Boutique

With school starting back, we are back to rushing in the mornings and we need a routine to keep order in our homes. One of the rooms that get the most traffic in the mornings is the bathroom and this week I will give you a quick tip for keeping your bathroom clean, tidy and organized throughout the week. And the tip for this week is (drum roll please)…How to keep your bathroom vanity, sinks and mirrors clean and tidy all week long. It may seem like a lot, but in actuality, all three can be tidied up daily in 5 minutes or less. Are you with me? Let’s go.



First of all, you will need to keep a spray bottle of glass cleaner or if you clean green, a mixture of vinegar and water, under your bathroom sink. You will also need a roll of paper towel handy.  I, personally, keep a spray bottle of glass cleaner under my sink and a paper towel roll hangs from the inside under-the-sink cabinet door. The paper towels come in handy for a ton of things and that’s why I keep a roll upstairs and of course downstairs in the kitchen and in the powder room for guests.


Grove Collaborative/Mrs. Meyers Cleaning Products



Back to the vanity, sink, and mirrors…I am usually the last person in our bathroom in the mornings and this routine works well for me. After hubs has shaven, brushed and gone through his morning ritual and I have gone through my morning routine and put on my makeup, I pull out my handy-dandy glass cleaner and a paper towel and wipe down first the mirror if there are any splatters (I hate a splattered mirror). I then put everything and clean the countertop to remove any gook or makeup residue. Finally, I spray and wipe down the inside of the sinks. If there are stubborn stains in the sink or on the counter-top, I pull out the All-Purpose cleaner from under the sink as well. I like Mrs. Meyers All-Purpose Cleaner for the more difficult stains.


A little extra bonus: I also spray my shower down every morning with Tilex Daily Shower Cleaner and I swish the toilet with the Clorox Toilet Wand.


There you have it. A fresh smell and the bathroom surfaces are so fresh and so clean when you return home in the evening. Isn’t that better than facing your makeup drips or toothpaste residue in the sink when you get home from a hard day? I think so. 🙂

Spend just five to seven minutes a day wiping down your bathroom surfaces and save yourself from coming home to an eyesore in the evening. You also get the added bonus of a fresh clean fragrance and you will have less crud build up to clean on the weekend.avon

So, how do you think these turned out? Are you an off-season shopper? If so, share some of your off-season budget buys.

Organize your life

Don’t forget to check out my eBook; Organize Your Life in 21 Days. It is available for download and has a variety of small projects to help you take on and complete

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Until next time…I remain in my Element – God Bless!







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7 thoughts on “Weekly Organization/Cleaning Tip – The Bathroom

  1. Stacey | Food Safety Superhero says:

    I want the bathroom in your picture. Awesome tips, and it comes at such a perfect time, since after this party, I’m off to clean the ring around the toilet. I hate the hard water of South Carolina! I hope you’re having a great time partying at the #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty. WHOOT WHOOT!

  2. Clearissa Coward says:

    Stacey, you make me laugh all the time. I was just in SC week before last for the whole week and N. Myrtle. I love it there. I am enjoying partying with #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty and it is a pleasure to co-host with you. Enjoy your weekend and thanks for stopping in. 🙂

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  6. Karren Haller says:

    Great tips Clearissa, the bathroom is easier kept clean if done daily, but sometimes it gets skipped.
    Thank you for sharing an older post on Something Old is Something NewEvent, I hope it helps to create some traffic.

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