21-Day Home Organization Challenge – Day 3

From the Desk of Clearissa’s Command Center/Divinely Organized

Welcome back to the 21-Day Home Organization Challenge. This is day three of the challenge…WhooHoo! We began this journey with the area under the master bathroom vanity sink and moved on to our night stands. If you miss any of the challenges, you can find them all here.  As always, I want to thank professional organizer and guru, Peter Walsh, THE best organizer this side of heaven, who began a 31-day challenge with his followers earlier in the week. I thought a 21-day challenge would be a great start for us – the beginners.  When this is over we can move from kindergarten organizers to elementary level. 🙂

Okay, so as a reminder the concept is that I will suggest a 10 minute assignment daily for the next 21 days. That’s right; you only have to spend 10 minutes on each area/project, and I guarantee you will see a difference when the challenge is over. The challenge begins on January 6, 2015 and ends January 27, 2015.

As I promised, I will participate in the challenge as well and post pictures of my improved spaces as we go along. However; if there is a day that I issue a challenge that I really do not personally feel necessary, I will still offer photos, encouragement and ideas to help you complete the challenge and to keep you engaged in the process. With that said, let’s move on to today’s assignment. I’ve decided to spend one more day in the master area. So today we are going to the shelf in your master closet. Don’t panic…we are focusing on the shelf only. We will leave purging the clothing for a later date. Moving right along.

Today is day 3 of the challenge:

  1. take 10 minutes and organize the top shelf of your master closet.
  2. remember to set your timer or alarm on your cell phone so that you do not get involved and spend more than the allotted 10 minutes (that would be a disaster). Just kidding, I realize sometimes organizing can become addictive.
  3. The first step is to take everything down from the shelf. With your boxes, baskets or bins for separation in place, trash whatever you find that is no longer in good condition, place items you wish to donate in your donate bin, place items that belong someplace else in the house in a basket/container for transport, and the things you want to take to a consignment shop in a separate bin. Do not think about the items too long, remember the timer is ticking and you only have 10 minutes.
  4. Once you’ve removed all of the things you no longer want, it’s time to organize the items you will keep. Personally, in my master closet there are shoe boxes which house my overflow of shoes. Yes I love shoes. Do not judge me. 🙂 So I did not have much to do for this challenge. I did however; snap a couple of pictures of my personal closet (see below).
  5. I would love it if you would share photos as well.

Note, the shoe containers used to coral all those shoes, are all dollar store finds.

On another note, as I go through this 10-minute per day challenge, I am also keeping a journal. Today’s note for instance, when I have time, I will label my shoe boxes with the color and heel height of the shoes. Although the boxes are clear, I think the labels will add the final step of organization to my master closet shelf. Do you agree?

Well that’s it for today. Enjoy your 10 minutes of organizing and remember…A place for everything and everything in its place.

See you tomorrow!

My Personal Closet Top Shelf Personal Master Closet Top Shelf

Visit my site tomorrow for your next 10-minute challenge. See you there!

#cccc #divinelyorganized #organization #allthingsarepossible #21daychallenge

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