21-Day Home Organization Challenge – Day 8

From the Desk of Clearissa’s Command Center/Divinely Organized

Welcome back! Let’s show some excitement about organization, because we are now at day eight of our 21-Day Home Organization Challenge. I get so excited when a plan comes together and we are working this challenge. You should feel good about your progress. I certainly do!  If you have missed any of the earlier challenges, you can find them all here.There is always time to catch up.  On to day eight!

The concept is that I will suggest a 10 minute assignment daily for the next 21 days. You read that right I am only asking for 10 minutes out of your day to spend on each area/project. I guarantee you will see a difference when the challenge is over. The challenge begins on January 6, 2015 and ends January 27, 2015.

1. It’s tantalizing Tuesday and we are going to take a chill pill. Have a cup of tea/coffee, perhaps put on your favorite music and slowly move into our challenge for today.  What I’m trying to do here is set a mood because organization can be FUN!  No, really it can. And after all, our challenge is only 10 minutes of your day.  So enjoy it while we hit that cabinet under the kitchen sink. Don’t panic! We are about organization! Under the kitchen sink

2. remember to set your timer or alarm on your cell phone so that you do not get involved and spend more than the allotted 10 minutes (that would be a disaster). Just kidding, I realize sometimes organizing can become addictive.

3. first step, by now you know the routine, pull everything out of the cabinet.

4. Now that the cabinet is empty, let’s consider our options. You can either wipe it down and put the stuff back, you could add new and fresh shelf paper or you can do what I have done and add peel and stick floor tiles (will take longer than 10 minutes). Let me explain why I chose peel and stick floor tiles for this particular cabinet.

  • cost – they are inexpensive. You will probably only need one box of the tiles and because it’s in a cabinet , you certainly do not need to purchase  the most expensive ones. As a matter-of-fact, I bought mine from a discount store.
  • variety – there are so many patterns and colors. You are going to have so many options.  Allow your creative juices to flow.
  • durability – these tiles are made for the abuse a floor has to withstand. I am so pleased with how easy this cabinet floor is to maintain. I can wipe it out at will without issue. Makes me happy. 🙂

5.  back to the challenge of today. Clean the bottom of the cabinet

6.  put an eagle eye on the things that you keep under your sink. If there are products you haven’t used in six-months to a year…why are they there. Sometimes we outgrow certain products. Let them go.

7.  take inventory and decide if you can place other products in a different type of container. For instance, my dish washing liquid is housed in a pretty bottle with a pouring spout. It’s actually very pretty.

8.  wipe down the products you decide to keep before you place them back in the cabinet. The outside of the containers can get pretty grimy and sticky over time.

9. personally I like to have these containers contained. I have two card board boxes under my sink that I have covered with pretty wrapping paper. I house all of my cleaning products in the boxes. And again, I have also tiled the bottom of the cabinet. Just a couple of ideas for future use.  I think I will blog that process later…stay tuned.

There you have it…your 10 minute challenge for today.  I realize I added a few ideas here and there throughout the post. However, the bottom line for the 10 minute challenge is to remove all of items under the sink, toss those that are no longer used and/or otherwise are grimy, wipe out the cabinet, and replace the remaining products (preferably corralled in some sort of container).

Note:  Although I threw several suggestions/ideas out there, this project does not have to cost a cent. The suggestions are for future reference.

On another note:  as I go through this 10-minute per day challenge, I am also keeping a journal. Today’s note for instance, I currently have two cardboard boxes under my sink that are covered with a really pretty wrapping paper. I would like, at some point, to replace the boxes with clear containers where I can actually see what is stored in the boxes. The ability to see what is in the boxes will also alleviate buying duplicate items. Cha Ching!

Enjoy your 10 minutes of organizing and remember…A place for everything and everything in its place.

Visit my site tomorrow for your next 10-minute challenge. See you there!

#cccc #divinelyorganized #organization #allthingsarepossible  #21daychallenge

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