From the Desk of Clearissa’s Command Center/Divinely Organized
21-Day Home Organization Challenge
Welcome to a new year and if you’re like me, hopefully a new you. I have a public service announcement – I love Peter Walsh. There I said it! What! You don’t know who Peter Walsh is? Well he’s just one of THE best organization gurus of all time. I started following Peter years ago when he was on a little show called Clean Sweep. Walsh is Australian born and organizing with Peter is even more fun because of the accent. 🙂
Why am I discussing Peter you ask? Well today, on the Rachel Ray Show, Peter launched a 31-days to Get Organized challenge and it got me to thinking…what a great way to begin a new year. So I decided to issue you guys a similar challenge. So here goes. The concept is that each day for the next 21 (there’s the difference, I am issuing a 21 day challenge instead of a 31), I will give you a 10-minute assignment to complete in your home to help you on way to an organized life. That’s right I am only asking that you spend 10-minutes a day and I guarantee you will see a difference when the challenge is over. Challenge beginning January 6, 2015 and ending January 27, 2015.
I will participate in the challenge as well and post pictures of my improved spaces and explain the what’s and how’s of the changes I make. If there is a day that I issue a challenge that I really do not need to accept, I will find appropriate pictures to go along with the challenge to keep you encouraged and to give you ideas of how to organize certain areas of your home.
Today is day 1 of the challenge:
- take 10 minutes and organize the area under the sink in your master bathroom
- remember to set your timer or alarm on your cell phone so that you do not get involved and spend more than the allotted 10 minutes (that would be a disaster). Just kidding, I realize sometimes organizing can become addictive 🙂
- please let me know if you accept the challenge and I would love it if you would share photos
Because my under the sink area was pre-organized during the summer, I added labels to the bins and added new shelf paper. I purchased all of the storage bins from The Dollar Store and the shelf liner from Wal-Mart. To straighten up and label my area cost me nothing and only 8 of the 10 allotted minutes. Note: the 8 minutes did not include laying the shelf paper. Organization is my love and I am always organizing something. It has become a joke between hubby and I that I can be in the middle of a move and will line a cabinet or semi-purge a closet during the commercial. 🙂 I think he just enjoys picking on me. Truth be told, I enjoy it as well. 🙂 See my under the sink photos below. A place for everything and everything in its place.
Visit my site tomorrow for your next 10-minute challenge. See you there!
#cccc #divinelyorganized #organization #allthingsarepossible #21daychallenge
Remember to share…sharing is caring