From The Desk of Clearissa Coward’s Command Center
 Help Me…Spring Shopping Haul – Video
I need your help. I am trying my hand at VLogging/video blogging. I have fought it as long as I can and I do not have any of the fancy equipment. But I brought this great organization haul in the house and just thought it would be a lot easier to share all of it with you via a video. So I tried it. Yes, I have done a couple other videos but nothing this long and I don’t know…this just seems like I am outside of my comfort zone and that’s where you come in. Help me…Spring Shopping Haul – Video is up and I need your support. Please visit my channel and subscribe and like the video. I promise you…I will get better at this. It’s a goal.
You can find my video here. It’s not fancy, I haven’t gotten there yet, however, the content is good. I hope you will support the vlog and subscribe and help me get better at it and grow a substantial YouTube following.
Wait until you see all of the goodies I found on this shopping haul. Two very reasonably priced stores and the budget was very reasonable as well. I am certain you will be in the shopping mood after you view this vlog. Give it a look see and please do not judge me too harshly on the style of the video…I have a lot to learn. 🙂 But you have to start somewhere…right?
There could be affiliate links within this post. However, all opinions and ideas are my own. Clicking on and using the links to purchase products does not increase your cost at all. I appreciate your support.
Don’t forget to check out my eBook; Organize Your Life in 21 Days is available for download and has a variety of small projects to help you take on and complete projects you may not have thought of. Get your copy today.
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Until next time…I remain in my element
WPBlogging 360
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