To Hire or Not to Hire a Housekeeper…That is the Question

Divinely Organized

From the Desk of Clearissa’s Command Center via Divinely Organized 

If you follow my blog, you know I am a working wife, mother, grandmother, full-time employee and part-time lifestyle blogger. Ironically, my blog focuses on organization of all types, business and personal, DIY and re-design. As you can imagine I have a very hectic and seemingly never-ending schedule. But as my blog indicates with every post, it is imperative that my home is clean and organized, well at least most of the time. I actually believe in and live by my tagline – A place for everything…and everything in its place. Let’s face it, I couldn’t very well advise others if I were not following the program myself…right?

With that said, I have a confession to make. There are times I am overwhelmed by the needs of my work life, family and community service, passion for blogging and the requirements of my housekeeping requirements. During those times, I have considered hiring a professional housekeeper to help. This is especially true when I am working on a DIY project or I am running a challenge on my blog, etc.

I have come up with five reasons that make the concept of hiring housekeeper a positive one:

  1. your schedule overwhelms you
  2. your budget is fluid enough to sustain paying for a housekeeper
  3. you will have time to complete current projects
  4. you will have more time with family
  5. you have found a housekeeper with a flexible schedule which allows you to use the services when you need them (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, occasionally)

Here’s my question for you, do you think it would be hypocritical for a lifestyle blogger who focuses on the home to hire help to maintain his/her home or should he/she simply live with the struggle of trying to do it all? Let me know what you think. I would love your input.

Enjoy your organizing and remember…A place for everything…and everything in its place

 #divinelyorganized #organization

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