From the Desk of Clearissa Coward’s Command Center/Divinely Organized
Monday night we had inclement weather. Well it snowed for a couple of hours and afterwards, there was sleet for the rest of the night. Although the outside looked like a winter wonder land, it was treacherous. The streets were a solid sheet of ice. And since our temperature only reached 33 degrees all day long, we were all stuck inside. I am not complaining. Because of the weather, I had time to complete a really cute chalkboard craft project today. Yaaay!!
Last week I shared my thrifting experience with you guys. I showed my great finds here. Today I completed a simple and fun project using two of the silver trays I purchased last week. I think the project turned out very cute.
I have listed the steps/tutorial below.
How to:
Although my trip was a thrifting trip, I also stopped in at one of our dollar stores. Who can resist a trip to the dollar store? I picked up these two trays from the local dollar store. This entire day was all about silver trays for some reason. You can get these two trays here.
- I cleaned both trays first with soap and water and then with alcohol
- Let the trays dry thoroughly (at least 10 minutes)
- Paint center of the trays with chalkboard paint
- the first coat may be streaked but after the 3rd coat it will smooth out
- Paint 3 coats
- allow chalkboard paint to dry completely between coats
- the chalkboard paint dries quickly (30 minutes between coats)
- Drill a tiny hole in the top of one tray and the bottom of the other
- Put the two trays together with a thin piece of wire. I used the tiny wire that is used to adhere new kitchen utensils to the cardboard packaging. But of course you can purchase thin wire from the craft store. Almost anything can be purchased at the craft store. 🙂
- I attached the ribbon to the wire as well.
Viola…project complete. Little chalkboard trays. These can be used in lots of different spaces. This is a cute, versatile and simple to make DIY project. What do you think?
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