2022 Home Revival SeriesGuest
Revive Your Home And Your Life-Phase II-Guest Bathroom
A Cozy Lifestyle with Clearissa Coward
Last week I told you that this is my favorite season because I love the feeling of new beginnings but as I thought about it throughout the week, I realized that I love this season because of endings as well. I was happy to see 2020 End. But I was even more relieved to see 2021 pass away.
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Handmade Crafts & Upcycled Items For The Home
Twenty-twenty and twenty-twenty-one were not easy years for many of us. We were quarantined in our homes. We began wearing masks allllllll the time. We were not allowed to hug each other any longer. So many changes.
Many of us were very sick, me included and many of us lost loved ones. Once again, me included. I lost my mother on May 25, 2021, and I think in my own quiet way, I am still coming to grips with being alone in this big, cold, sometimes cruel world.
I know what you are thinking, and yes, I have a husband. I have a daughter, and I have two grands. I am also blessed with a small and close-knit friendship circle. However, I am an only child, and both my parents are gone and that is a lonely and empty feeling. But here we are, in a new year with a chance for new beginnings. So let’s take part in a home and emotional revival.
Phase II – Guest Bathroom
About this space…I remembered to go in and flush once a week and clean it every week or so. However, I did not deep clean or decorate the space. After all, why add the fresh towels and scented soaps and candles if no one would be there to enjoy them?
Well, it’s time to snap out of it and revive/refresh our guest bathrooms. Even if you are not expecting overnight guests in the near future. Refreshing that space will be therapeutic so let’s get it together.
Where To Begin
Of course, we will begin with cleaning. For me, I had another step to tackle. I needed to remove all of the spring decor that was still present. That’s right…although I clean the bathroom every week or so, I did not take the spring 2020 decor down. Shame on me. 😥
There will be a video attached to give you a step-by-step tutorial of how I first removed the spring decor, planned, and executed the project.
If you are reusing the decorative towels, now is the time to toss them into the washer. If you are hanging new towels, you can skip this step and add the current towels to the laundry for laundry day.
For a total revival/refresh, remove the old shower curtain and add a fresh, perhaps new one to liven up the room. Once the room is completely cleaned. Now is the time for the fun part…decor-add greenery, good lighting, and decorative items to complete the look.
In my opinion, Winter decor is neutral, clean, without a lot of color and stuff around. And that is how I decorated my master bath this winter. It’s quiet and I think appropriately decorated as a guest bathroom. It has a spa-like atmosphere. After watching the video, let me know what you think.
Watch me revive my guest bathroom step-by-step in the video below. I hope you will be motivated.
Self-Care Tips For Revival
Each week after I add the home revival tips, I will also add a self-care or life revival tip as well.
Now that you have revised and refreshed your guest bath for any friends and/or family that may come by, it’s time to do something for you. Last week you took a bubble bath. This week I suggest some sort of exercise. Perhaps yoga or a pilates class. Something new that I am looking forward to trying a stretch class. I just received information that an assisted stretch spa is opening in my area. I had never heard of this before, but apparently, they actually stretch your body to relax you. I am definitely going to give that a try. If the pictures are any indication of what they do, and it’s not too expensive, I may become a member.
So, there you have it, important tips to help you add a little balance back into your life. Next week, we will discuss a couple more tips to help revive our homes and our lives. Enjoy the Yoga class.

Thank you guys for all of the support you show to me and my blog. I feel so blessed because of you.

Until next time…I remain in my Element – God Bless!
Don’t forget to share this post with your friends & family. I greatly appreciate it.
Hugs & Blessings