From the Desk of Clearissa Coward’s Command Center via My Soulful Life
Saying Goodbye to Summer-A Time of Transformation
Summer is slipping away. The air is just a bit different. Once 98-degree temperatures are now topping out at a comfortable 85-degrees. Believe it or not, leaves are falling from the trees in my area and soon days at the beach or sunning by the pool (for those who enjoy that) will be a distant memory. Soon we will be batting down the hatches and snuggling in for fall and winter. It hasn’t been such a great summer for my family this year. Hubs had a complete knee replacement, my mother’s health began to decline, my MIL took a bad fall and had a stroke and I fell through a glass door and cut my leg severely. Nope, not the best of summers for us. I’m not complaining. I realize you have to pass through the valley in order to enjoy the mountain top. So, we just keep plugging along. Perhaps a bit slower for some of us, but we keep it moving none the less. And for our mothers, I keep praying.
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Not that any of us are wishing our lives away, but we are all kind of anticipating the fall. Just because it will be a new season, sort of a new beginning, kind of leaving the woes of our summer behind and stepping into a new chapter. Both as the beginning of a division of the year and as a new beginning for our family. And I am praying for a calmer time.
We have our family vacation coming up next week. Because of all of the issues earlier during the summer, we could not take one…big bummer! But next week hubs and I are going to the beach for a week and we have invited the kids down to join us for a few days. This is our last hoorah for the summer of 2017. Actually our only hoorah and it will be bittersweet.
Bittersweet because my granddaughter will graduate from high school this school year and move on to her college days. And I am simply not ready to let go. I am preparing but I am not quite there yet. I have learned from the college experience with my own daughter (her mother), that things will never be quite the
She is transitioning into a beautiful and bright young lady but that also means she is transitioning into her own and will no longer be our little girl. She will always be our baby girl, but she is about to spread her wings and I hope she soars! But I will miss my little sidekick, my little girl. I am praying she will be accepted for who she is and not be stigmatized by the current state of our society. I am praying she will find her soft place in Christ so that she can find solace in the fact that even though her earthly family may not always be around, her Heavenly Father will be and I pray that gives her peace and confidence. I hope she finds her place in the world. The place that will allow her to grow and achieve and be the best that she can be. I am praying.
Yet another transition for our family in the coming season. My little buddy. The last grand baby I will ever have *sniff, sniff* will walk through the doors of the public school
system and into his kindergarten class. This makes me very sad and it happened so quickly! Why it seems just like yesterday he was 2-years old and reaching for me with those chubby fingers and arms. Just yesterday he was smiling that toothless grin that first stole my heart. Just yesterday I watched my daughter bring that bundle into the world. And within weeks we have to hand him over to that world. This cold and confused and sometimes cruel world. I am praying this world does not swallow up my love nuggets. I am praying they will get a fair shot to progress into their own greatness. I am praying they are judged by their spirit and their character and nothing less. I am praying they will encounter people with soft hearts and fair spirits. I am praying they will be treated with dignity and that this world will not take the well-adjusted children we are sharing with it and turn them or change them into something we will not recognize. I am praying.
Yes, we have had quite the summer, my family and I. And yet, we are anticipating the coming season. We are embracing the changes. We are holding on to each other and the teachings and strength passed on to us by our elders who came before us. We are a strong tribe. But we are a loving tribe and a family that believes in each other and our strengths and abilities. So as I watch my grands transition, I will have to let go and watch them soar with the wings this little family has given them.
I know from experience what a joy it is to watch them achieve their personal greatness. I know because it has been my pleasure to watch my daughter soar over the years and I know we have more to come from my love nuggets. But as I watch and as I take joy in their every achievement, I pray they will not be stifled or trampled by the current condition of this world. I am praying for my children and my family, but I am also praying for our current situation as a society. Join me!
Are you and your family transitioning in some way this seasonal? What changes are happening in your world? Are you happy about the changes in your life or a bit apprehensive like me? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
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Until next time…I remain in my Element!
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So lovely to read about your family (though not about all the health issues etc). Yes fall will be lovely this year and here in Italy we look forward to the cooler weather.
It’s wonderful to see you and your family dealing so well with everything that happened this summer. Thank you for sharing your life. It is inspirational.
Hi Dorothy. I think Italy is beautiful any time of year. 🙂 Thank you for stopping by and we are certainly anticipating a less eventful fall season.
Hi Debby, thank you. There are only two ways to deal with things. Either you let it crush you or you look for brighter days. Thank you for stopping by.
Your grandchildren are adorable. It does seem that we blink and they from cradle to college.
I am always a little apprehensive with change. Since retiring, I have working as a substitute librarian. That job is all about change…always going to a different campus, different library. But I do enjoy it. I just have to take a deep breath and jump in.
Hope you enjoy your delayed vacay.
Hi Leslie, thank you, thank you, thank you. I think my love nuggets are pretty special and they are both pretty easy on the eyes. At least on mine. 🙂 I am looking forward to retiring and spending a little more time with my last little one. But for now, I enjoy them both whenever I can. I can’t wait to get them both at the beach with no schedules and nothing to do but enjoy each other. Your retirement job sounds perfect. You don’t have to see the same ole every day and you are out and about and meeting new people and you supplementing your income. Sounds like a win-win to me. I hope you will continue to jump in and enjoy.
My little girl started kindergarten! She is loving it but I miss her. It is so different only having one baby at home instead of two.
It was good to learn a bit more about you and your lovely family. You have been through a rough time and your attitude is inspiring. Thank you for sharing it with us
Aww Haley, they grow up too fast. I know you do miss her. They are much more resilient than we give them credit for.
Hi Linda. I am happy you enjoyed my post. We have been through a lot this summer, but I know this is only a test. We know this too shall pass. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you will stop by again.
it definetly does not take long for our children and grand-children to grow up. Yes, in a way I too am looking forward to fall. I am sad to see summer go it seems as if it moved rather fast. Loved reading your post and like you I hope that the new season brings along good times I know memories and its own challenges as well
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Hi Angie, Thank you for stopping by. We had our summer vacation last week and I am back and ready to begin again. I am ready to begin a new season and a new chapter. I hope you and your family have a prosperous and pleasant fall!