Clearissa Coward’s Command Center/The Real Neat Blogger Award
My sincere thanks to Maddy At Home for nominating this blog for a Real Neat Blogger Award.  I hope I am doing this correctly!My answers to the questions, seven nominations and seven new questions are below. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I have.
- What makes you smile?
The thought of my grandchildren Rainy and snowy weather
- What is your best talent?
- Who is a hero in your life?
My grandfather
- Dogs or cats?
- Winter or Summer?
- Movies or theatre?
- Beach or pool?
Beach (I love looking at the ocean)
And my nominations are:
I’m sure you will enjoy my nominated blogs especially if you haven’t visited them. I have followed some of these blogs for several years. And they and several others are the reason I became a blogger myself. Of course, they don’t know that. 🙂
Here are my questions for the nominees:
1) Is blogging your full-time profession?
2) Who is your best support?
3) What is your favorite holiday?
4)Â what is your secret passion?
5)Â Mountains or Beach?
6)Â How do you relax and unwind?
7)Â Sweet or salty?
You don’t have to nominate seven people if you don’t have the time, two or three will be fine! Enjoy!