Week-At-A-Glance…November 2-6, 2015

The Command Center
Written by Clearissa Coward
From the Desk of Clearissa Coward’s Command Center – Week-at-a-Glance

Another week has passed and it’s time again for my weekly roundup. This has been a great week. I didn’t get a chance to get any hands-on projects done again this week, but I did write a bit. Sometimes it difficult to do both. We are all so busy. But my fingers are itching to get into some paint and crafts. Perhaps next week I can squeeze out some time.

I hope you all are enjoying the latest series added to the the command center and I hope the quick and easy organization weekly tips will be helpful. I am thinking of eventually pulling them all together in an eBook for you guys. That way, you will not have to search to find a tip you find useful. Hold on it’s coming. 🙂

I hope that if any of you think your friends or family can benefit from the Command Center’s tips and projects, that you recommend the site and ask them to subscribe as well. When you do that and your friend/family actually subscribe drop me a line and I will make sure you get a special gift from the Command Center to you for being such a great follower and ambassador.

As always, I thank you all for showing up every week and for following my projects. I wish I could explain to you how appreciated you are. In the meantime, please enjoy my posts from last week and have a prosperous and productive weekend. Week-at-a-glance for November 2 – November 6, 2015.

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Written By Clearissa Coward/Divinely Organized

Deck with Leaves PMIt’s that time again. Time to take the deck and/or patio furniture in and prepare the area for the upcoming winter weather. I am always a little torn this time of year. I hate ending the summer and putting all of the colorful pillows and summer items away and I am also excited to settle in and cozy up for the winter and holiday seasons.

Never-the-less, unless you are blessed with a covered area or live in a warm climate, it’s time to settle in. Just putting the pillows away is not enough. We should pack them appropriately and prepare our hard surfaces for the harsh weather that will soon be upon us as well.

  1. Clean Pillows and Flower Containers
  • Run all of the small pillows through a wash cycle.
  • Clean all larger pillows with mild soap and water.
  • Empty leftover potting soil from all flower containers that will not be used during the winter. (I empty the soil in my flower bed area).
  • Wash out all flower pots and store in a shed or other covered area to avoid standing and stagnant water. Get the entire list here…

Divinely Organized – Weekly Organization Tip – Week of November 2, 2015

Posted November 4, 2015

Written by Clearissa Coward

canstockphoto2780465 PMI thought it would be a good idea to begin a “Quick Tip of the Week” focused on organization for Divinely Organized. These will not be long articles, more like reminders or quickie tips you can use to keep your home and sometimes your car or office organized.

They will be quick tips and to some, they may seem quite obvious, but you would be surprised how just a nudge can help someone get and stay on the organizational track.

So for this week I would like to give you a quick tip for keeping your bedroom looking clean and organized. And the tip for this week is (drum roll please)…Hang up your clothes Every Day. Hanging up your clothes may take 5 minutes if done each day, however if you let them pile up, you could spend an hour or more on Saturday or whenever you clean your room. When clothes are put away and not left all over the room the room looks a lot less cluttered and thusly organized and tidy. Read more here…

Written by Clearissa Coward

CVBS New Logo PMNot sure if you need or how to use the services of a Virtual Assistant (VA)? Hopefully, my weekly tips will help you decide and provide you with new ideas as to how to use the services of a professional VA.

Usually, I use this forum to provide you with tips from me suggesting the benefits of using the resources and skills of a VA to help run your business. I have tried to help you envision all of the things you “should” do when it comes to hiring a VA as well as some things you should not do. However; recently I thought what better way to help you see how VAs are being used to help entrepreneurs and soulpreneurs than to have you read their personal thoughts and experiences with a VA.

Last week I shared with you Michael Hyatt’s experience with a VA and because the words were directly from Michael, I hope you understood how he was able to hire a VA as a team member and not just a contractor.

This week I am taking you into an interview conducted by Ritika Puri. Ritika found herself in need of a VA; however, before taking the plunge, she decided to interview her friend and fellow entrepreneur Julia Cox Tunstall of A Bar Above fame, on the benefits and pitfalls of working with a VA. Julia has used VAs for several business over the past five years and had loads of advice for Ritika. This is advice that you can use as well. Read the interview here…

I hope you are enjoying the weekly posts, projects as well as the weekly round-up. Be sure to come back next week for more Lifestyle articles including Organizing on a Budget, home refreshes, soulful life experiences, virtual assistant tips, Health & Beauty tidbits, and even Avon product updates from time to time. Remember to subscribe to my website to receive updates delivered directly to your email and to share the newsletter and other articles with your friends/family. If they subscribe, let me know and you will receive a gift from the Command Center. Everyone can subscribe at the top of the page on the right sidebar. Thank you & See you next week.

I believe in miracles…do you?






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2 thoughts on “Week-At-A-Glance…November 2-6, 2015

  1. Clearissa Coward says:

    Oh my! Thank you for those kind words of encouragement. You have no idea how important it is to have someone validate your dream/goal. Thank you again and do stop by again soon.

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