21-Day Organization Challenge – Day 12 Mail Station

From the Desk of Clearissa’s Command Center/Divinely Organized

Only 9 days left to work this out. You are FABULOUS!! Saturday and the house is  a buzz. Although the family is at home; you must stick to your 10-minute challenge. I will; however, keep it simple today. Grab your “get it in the mood” drink of the morning and let’s get this out of the way. Today we are continuing with day twelve of our 21-Day Home Organization Challenge.  As a reminder, if you have missed any of the earlier challenges, you can find them all here. There is always time to catch.

The concept is that I will suggest a 10 minute assignment daily for the next 21 days. You read that right I am only asking for 10 minutes out of your day to spend on each area/project. I guarantee you will see a difference when the challenge is over. The challenge begins on January 6, 2015 and ends January 27, 2015.

It’s the weekend! While you are languishing in the fact that today is Saturday, take a gander at all that mail that has piled up over the past couple of weeks. Yeah…a mood changer for sure. But I am here to help you and today we are going to settle in and organize and/or create a household mail center.    

Remember to set your timer or alarm on your cell phone so that you do not get involved and spend more than the allotted 10 minutes (that would be a disaster). Just kidding, I realize sometimes organizing can become addictive.

  1. First step, clear the kitchen counter or desk top (wherever you leave your mail to multiply).
  2. Engage the rest of the family in the mail sorting at another time. For today, the goal is to organize or distinguish a current mail drop space.
  3. Create a mail station where you can sort the mail quickly once you enter the house on a daily basis.
  4. The space does not have to be elaborate and can be as simple as a cardboard box separated with tabs or as fancy as a professional mail sorter from your office supply store.
  5. Choose a location that is near the main entrance your family uses on a daily basis.
  6. Separate bills (if you still receive paper) from casual mail to make paying them easier.
  7. Separate and place magazines in the space you chose earlier during the challenge. Read the post dedicated to magazine organization here.
  8. Place a trash receptacle or recycle bin near your designated mail center and toss junk mail immediately.
  9. After the initial set-up, it will require less than five minutes per day to maintain this process.

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday…Enjoy your 10 minutes of organizing and remember…A place for everything

Visit my site tomorrow for your next 10-minute challenge. See you there!

#cccc #divinelyorganized #organization #allthingsarepossible  #day11, #21daychallenge

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