From the Desk of Clearissa’s Command Center/Divinely Organized
Throw Back Thursday
Weekly Organization Tip 8 – 6 Steps to an Organized T-shirt Drawer
Last year in January I did an organization challenge with my followers. The problem being I did not have very many followers back then which meant there wasn’t as much participation as I would have liked; however, the challenge was fun and one that helped several people get a handle on the clutter in different areas of their lives.
The concept was that each day for 21 days we focused on one area for 10 minutes and decluttered and organized that area. The series went well and as I was participating along with my followers, it helped me to declutter and organize a few areas in my life as well. One of the challenges that helped both hubs and me was the challenge to organize a t-shirt drawer.
I worked on my personal t-shirt drawer for the challenge, but I later applied the same technique to my tank top drawer and of course hubs’ t-shirt drawer as well. Of course that was over a year ago and although I have maintained my drawer, my housemate has not. 🙂 So for this throw-back Thursday, I think I’ll take on his t-shirt drawer again. I must admit I have several more t-shirts and tank tops as well with paint and stain on them, but hey, that is what I do so I have to live with that.
Let’s get started and delve into this blast from the past. Organizing a t-shirt drawer.
- First step, pull all of the t-shirts out of the drawer and go through them to decide which are good to keep and which should be tossed.
- If your t-shirt collection is like mine, you don’t have any that are worth donating. If that is the case you will only have two piles. Keep and discard.
- I know how difficult it can be to discard a comfortable t-shirt. Comfortable usually means it has a hole or two, is really stretched out and if you’re me, has different colors of paint or stain from projects past. Today we must be strong.
- Side note – hubby hates it when I organize our t-shirt drawers. For him, a t-shirt is not comfortable until it’s really ugly and disfigured. 🙂
- Toss all t-shirts that are too small, too large, discolored, with stains from God, knows where, etc. Do not hesitate, do not think about it, throw them in the trash NOW! I was not yelling, it’s just my stern voice. 🙂
- Now it’s time to fold the t-shirts you have decided to keep. Real Simple has a great instructional video to help you.
That’s it. Bada Boom, Bada Bing…enjoy the rest of your Friday.
Note: I hope the instructional video from Real Simple is helpful but if you have a folding system that works for you, use it and share it with us here at the Command Center. We are always looking for easy breezy ways of doing things. But remember, you must start out like you will holdout. If you begin this project with a folding method that is too complicated to do and even more important, too complicated to maintain, you will not follow through. Therefore, you choose a method that works for you.
On another note: as I go through this 10-minute per day challenge, I am also keeping a journal. Today’s journal entry – I only organized my t-shirt drawer today. Note to self – the next Saturday hubby is spending time watching a game or taking a nap, I’m all over his t-shirt drawer. 🙂
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