From the Desk of Clearissa Coward’s Command Center
Beverage Cart – I Finally Found One – Guess Where?
So, I have been drooling over all of the beautiful and creative beverage carts that are all over the internet. I was perusing Pinterest and of course Amazon to find the perfect one for my style and me.
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Guess what guys? I already had it! Yep, I had the perfect, for me, drink cart all of the time. I purchased this cart almost six years ago from the flea market for about $10.00. I never thought of bringing it into the house. It was on my deck all this time.
The cart worked great on the deck. It was the perfect cart for the deck as long as the deck was covered It was a great place for my ferns and it was the perfect spot for outdoor decorations. Did I mention it was in perfect shape when I got it? Well, it was. It looked almost new. I didn’t mind having it outside as long as the deck was covered but once the roof was removed from the deck (long story) it was fully exposed to the elements and it began to show some wear and tear.
So while cleaning off the deck and covering outdoor furniture for the upcoming winter I finally really took a good look at this cart. Yes, it was a bit dusty and there were some places on the cart that could use a little sanding and of course paint. However, it had the perfect bones for what I needed in a new bar cart in my home.
Grove Collaborative/Mrs. Meyers Cleaning Products
To get it up to par. We hosed it off and sanded it in a couple of places. After which, we added a new coat of black paint and voila, it looked great.
Next step is to find a place to place this perfectly upcycled cart. J As I have said many times before, I do not have a really large home but I had to find a place for my newly upcycled cart and I did. I moved some things around and now my cart has a new home.
The moral to this story is that you do not always have to go out and purchase something. Sometimes shopping your own home will provide exactly what you need. This project/upcycle cost me nothing. I had the cart (cost $10.00 six years ago), I had the sandpaper and I always keep paint around. By shopping my home, I got exactly what I was drooling over and I got it for nothing.
Is there anything in your mind’s eye that you would love to have but just do not want to pay an extraordinary price for right now? If so, take a look around your home to see if you can upcycle or repurpose something to get what you want. On the other hand, if you do not have it in your home, perhaps you can find it at your local flea market or thrift store.
My advice, check out what you have before you purchase something else. What do you think of my new/old beverage cart?
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Until next time…I remain in my Element – God Bless!
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It’s very cute and a great deall – can’t beat that combo!
Hi Carol. Thank you. I like it too and can’t wait to style it for Christmas & maybe a winter cocoa bar. We’ll see. Thanks for stopping by.
Looks nice!
Thank you Dee. 🙂