From the Desk of Clearissa Coward’s Command Center via Divinely Organized
Fall Upcycle And A Peak-a-Boo Too
It’s been a little over a week since we’ve met here at the command center and that is usually not the case, unless I’m taking a vacation break or I’m under the weather and in both cases, I let you guys know via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter so be sure to follow me. However; the reason for this one week wonder is – drumroll, please. I have been Busy with a capital “B”. My house is in total disarray as I go through the transition from summer to fall and I just had to stop for a few and calm my nerves via a few small upcycles. Yes, you read that right…upcycles calm me. I’m quirky that way. 🙂 So now sit back and let’s enjoy my Fall Upcycle And A Peak-a-Boo too. 🙂
Before I give you a look at my latest small projects, let me tell you what’s coming up during the next couple of months. I know I have been talking about it for awhile, but I will finally launch my eBook this month. I have to get it done and off the drafting table. If I keep tweaking it I’ll never get it done. I am also launching my craft boutique and hopefully joining the Etsy family before the end of the year. You have no idea how much work goes into all of this! Wow – I’m exhausted. So as you can see, there is a lot going on. And to top all of that off, my member of my family is going through a little drama right now that needs my support and attention and family comes first. So please bear with me.
One more thing, in October, you and I will be refreshing my office. I love the colors for the most part, but it needs something and I am researching and trying to decide what to change and how. And like always, I am taking you along for the ride. I need to do some purging and reorganizing and I will need some advice and opinions from you all as we move along. This will be our project and I am hoping you guys will help me along. Hey, you know what would be fun, if any of you are also redoing or refreshing your office, why don’t we do it together. You can provide pictures as your project progresses and of course, I will be sharing pictures of mine. And we can share ideas along the way. Think about it, an office refresh challenge for the Command Center. If you are interested, leave a message in the comment section. What fun we could have!
Now on to today’s small upcycles. I hope you like them.
I’ve had a few successful thrifting outings this summer. I have a box of goodies I have not had the time to upcycle. However; over the past week, I took the time to recreate a couple.
First up is the miniature tool caddy. She began as a purple disaster. Looking neglected and unloved.
The picture does not do this box justice. It I actually an ugly purple. I paid $1.00 for it at one of my favorite thrift spots.
And here it is now.
I love the rustic look and the Tuscan colors. This little box could be used in so many different ways and in any room in the house. Let your imagination run wild. Three mason jars or other containers holding utensils in the kitchen, or makeup and makeup brushes in the bathroom. Nail polish and other grooming items in the bedroom, remote controls in the family room, flowers on the dining room table. This upcycled piece could do it all.
Next, I took an old silver tray and turned it into a chalkboard that anyone would be proud to display.
My granddaughter loved this one. And although it’s not showing here, I used a white ribbon as a hanger for this and my teenage granddaughter decided it should be hers. 🙂 It’s my own fault. I helped her and her mother re-decorate her bedroom in black, white and red. Yeah, I know…this fits perfectly and she just confiscated it. 🙂
This tray cost me $2.00 and began life like this.
And this is the little tray now.
Quite a difference….right?
Finally, here is a project that is still in progress. I haven’t finished it yet. Not sure whether to decoupage or stencil or perhaps both. Hmmm, you will see this again. 🙂
Well, that’s just a few of the projects I have worked on in the past week. And believe me, I needed the reprieve. I have more. Just wait, the post(s) will be up . Hold on…wait a second, let me rephrase. I hope to have the other projects up soon. As I said, my family is experiencing a bit of turmoil. I hope you will understand if I’m not here as much as usual and I ask that you will keep my family in your thoughts and prayers. I and my family appreciate your support. But in the meantime, here is a little peek-a-boo for what’s upcoming.
I can’t wait to share this fall refresh/tablescape with you. Oh, and remember to let me know if you would like to be a part an office refresh. I have to do it anyway, why not make it a fun project for all of us?
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Until next time…
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Thank You for the Visit!
Really cute, as usual, Clearissa! Such creativity…Teenage granddaughter?!!!!! You look great!
Hi Traci. Thank you for stopping by. Yes ma’am she is not a new teen either. She is a junior in high school and is 17. I am so proud of her. Her brother is 4 and quite the handful. 🙂 Thanks for always being supportive.
I love a good upcycle story. Thanks for sharing yours. I was especially fond of the mirror to chalkboard update. Nice. 😀
Thank you Pamela. I am happy you enjoyed the article. I love a good upcycle too. I hope you will continue to read along.