From the Desk of Clearissa Coward’s Command Center/Divinely Organized
Interview & Feature Story with WPBlogging360
Lovies, I am having a banner month. First the two-part interview with Homeyou and now this. Today an interview that I did with WPBlogging360 was posted. I am so stoked! Not only did I get featured, I am the first she-blogger in the series.
WP Blogging 360 is geared towards Blogging, SEO, Content Marketing & WordPress so imagine my surprise and sheer joy when I was approached to share my non-technical, creative blogging style with their readers/followers. They asked some very thought-provoking questions but I tried to remain true to the reason I began blogging in the first place. And I think I did okay. Actually, I think I did great! Let me know what you think.
When this month is over, I’m sure you all will know more about me than you ever wanted to, but hey…this is how it works in the blogging world and I’m happy to be here. I hope you will read this interview  completely and remember to comment and let me know what you think and how you feel I handled myself. 🙂 I promise we will be back to crafting, upcycling and organizing very soon. No later than next week. I appreciate all of your patience and support.  Catch an excerpt from the interview below and read the entire interview right here. Y’all, I am so excited!!!
WPB360: Could you please introduce yourself to our readers?
Clearissa: I am a lifestyle blogger with an emphasis on organization, redesign, DIY-ing, upcycling, and crafting. My niche is that I do all this and keep it budget friendly. I believe we can all live well without spending a fortune. Besides, many of us don’t have a fortune to spend.
WPB360: When and why did you think to start blogging?
Clearissa: I began blogging a year ago because a friend suggested that I share my organization tips and DIY-ing projects on FB. So I began there and I had a blast. It was so much fun that I decided to build a website. And as they say…the rest is blog history.
WPB360: What is your blog Clearissa Coward’s Command Center all about?
Clearissa: As I said above, I am a lifestyle blogger with an emphasis on organization and redesign and a personal organization consultant with a flair for design on a dime. My website, The Command Center, is a conglomerate which includes, Divinely Organized – Professional & Personal Organization & Redesign service, Customized Virtual Business Solutions (CVBS) – a full0-service virtual assistant business.
And Clearissa’s Avon Boutique – a 24/7 shop till you drop skin care/glam site where the focus is on looking and feeling good. Although there are several tendrils to my business, they are all centered on living an uncluttered, successful and feel good life. Simply stated, I blog about my passions.
WPB360: Are you a full-time blogger? Would you like to share your daily blogging routine?
Clearissa: I am not a full-time blogger. I have a regular 9 – 5 job. I generally devote 1 – 2 hours in the evenings to my blog. That can include writing and publishing a blog post, sharing a post on social media, completing a DIY project or responding to comments.
I take Saturdays off and I spend Sunday afternoons writing and pulling pictures for my articles for the next week. My personal goal is to write two articles each week, but with my busy life, I sometimes fall short. However; I do not beat myself up about it. I allow myself the luxury to re-evaluate my priorities.
Catch the entire interview here. Thank you WPB360Â for this opportunity and the collaboration.
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Until next time…
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