From the Desk of Clearissa’s Command Center/Thankful Thursday
So this week I am focused on friendship and what being a good friend really entails. I have heard, just like you, all of the clichés of what a true friendship truly looks like. Clichés like, you have to be a friend to have a friend, friends are loyal, friends are always there for you, etc. But this week I gave my friends and friendships some real thought and I tried to put the reasons my friends have said they love me into perspective.
I am a busy individual. I have a 9 – 5, I have a family, I have responsibilities at my church, I have responsibilities with my grandchildren and I have responsibilities with my husband, my household and my community and I am trying to finally live my passion with my new blog endeavor. However, this week I decided to stop everything to send a couple of my good friends a simple card. Simple in design but hopefully not so simple in sentiment.
There was a time that my friends received a card from me via snail mail, just because. Just because I love them, just because we may have been too busy to get together for lunch or dinner, just because I wanted them to know just how special and valued they are to me. But then life got in the way and I realized I hadn’t acknowledged the love, camaraderie, and sense of belonging they bring into my life in quite some time. But this week I decided to stop the merry-go-round of life long enough to not send a Face Book message, not to send a tweet, not to send an email, but to send a personal note to hopefully make them feel special…because they are.
I am hoping they will be pleasantly surprised and that a simple friendship card will make them remember why we are special friends. They tease me and say I’m sentimental, but I accept the teasing with love and I try to remain the person that they were drawn towards in the first place. The sentimental one, the one who prays for them, the one who wants them to know how much they mean in my life. The one who sees the good in them because they see the good in me.
I am thankful this Thursday for His grace that has granted me good friends.
Wishing you much grace and close friendships.
#cccc #gratefullife #thankfulthursday #allthingsarepossible
Remember to share…sharing is caring