The Art of Emotional Mental and Spiritual Spring Cleaning

The Art of Emotional Mental and Spiritual Spring Cleaning
A Cozy Lifestyle with Clearissa Coward

Soulful Spring Cleaning

When we think of spring cleaning is it always about our homes and living spaces? Is it always about purging “things” we no longer find useful in our homes? Or could you also spring clean your mind, body & spirit? Let’s explore the art of emotional, mental, and spiritual spring cleaning. It can be a soulful endeavor.

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Normally when we think of spring cleaning, we are purging closets, disposing of old things that are no longer necessary in our lives. Well, I have another viewpoint about spring cleaning.

I think spring cleaning should incorporate self-care. I hear you asking, “what does self-care have to do with spring cleaning? I am glad you asked, and I will give you five tips to the relationship between spring cleaning and the care of one’s self. Below are tips to help with the art of emotional, mental, and spiritual spring cleaning.

Soulful Spring Cleaning

Sensory Overload

  1. I will begin with purging, organizing, and cleaning your home. Okay, okay, you knew I would go there. 🙂 An unorganized home definitely affects your anxiety level as well as your sense of peace. So as usual, I will advise you to go through cabinets, closets, drawers and get rid of things you no longer need or find useful. I suggest that because I believe that a clean and organized space is self-care.
  2. You know those jeans that you have kept because you just knew you would lose the weight and wear them again? Well, now is the time to LET THEM GO! You will feel better not seeing what used to be or what could have been. Purchase and wear clothing for where you are right now and erase the guilt of not being where you were five years ago.
  3. Do not keep items out of guilt. That set of glasses that your mother gifted you, that you are not fond of…donate them. Do not clutter your home with things that do not bring you peace and joy. Opening your kitchen cabinets and only seeing things that you use and enjoy will give you a sense of freedom as it will free up space in your cabinets that you truly love.


Soulful Spring CleaningToxic People

  1. I read somewhere that dragging around negative people is self-abuse. You no longer have to keep that person around who only has negative things to say about everything and everyone. Cut that friendship loose and associate with folks who lift you up and not drag you down. There is no need to be mean about it. Just cut the cord of anyone who does not meet you where you are in your life right now. Everyone does not catch up.
  2. I understand that this is a touchy one. Because your negative Nelly could be your sister. Your negative Ned could be your friend from high school. I understand that, but the next time you are with this person, I challenge you to take stock of how he/she makes you feel. Are you happy to see them coming or does your heart sink? If your heart sinks and you can not completely cut ties, I would suggest that you limit the time spent with people who leave you feeling drained. Remember this is “self-care” and you must do what is best for your psychic, your spirit, and your well-being. As my grandmother used to say, “handle the negative Neds & Nellys with a long-handled spoon. This is an important step in learning the art of emotional, mental, and spiritual spring cleaning

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No is a Complete Sentence

  1. This was a difficult one for me and to tell the truth, it still is.
  2. Are you stretched out with a full-time job, running the kids to practice, cooking dinner, preparing lunches, church and community obligations, and trying to spend time with your girlfriends every once in a while? Not to mention trying to keep a marriage interesting and loving? Well, stop it. You must realize that you cannot be the be-all and end-all for everyone. You cannot pour from an empty vessel. You take care of yourself in order to take care of others.
  3. I am not saying that you must stop doing what you love, however, what you should do is learn to not allow yourself to become overwhelmed with things to do.
  4. You can say “No” I can not take that on at this time. You can even say no without explanation because “No” is a complete sentence and a giant step toward mastering the art of emotional, mental, and spiritual spring cleaning. Saying no without guilt is a learned behavavior for most of us, but you can learn it.

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Say Yes

  1. Sounds like a contradiction…right? Well, it is not. Once you let go of those things that are taxing on your spirit, you begin to make time and space for positive things and things that bring you joy.
  2. A yoga class, a Pilates class, journaling, or simply Netflix and chilling are all acceptable ways for you to wind down and do something or nothing for yourself. Whatever you choose, make sure it is something that brings you joy and allows you to unwind.
  3. You are allowed to be selfish on occasion.


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Use Your Calendar

  1. In order to make time for you, use your calendar.
  2. Add time for yourself on the calendar just as you do for other meetings and things to do.
  3. Scheduling yourself an hour a day for medication, downtime, prayer or whatever brings you peace, will reinforce the importance of keeping that date with and for yourself.
  4. Do not cheat yourself out of the important gift of time.
  5. Emotional Spring Cleaning

So, there you have it. Five tips for acknowledging that spring cleaning is mental, spiritual, and emotional and not just all about your physical space.

Spring Cleaning Self Care

Remember you are important, and you deserve to spring clean your life in a mental, spiritual and emotional way.

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Thank you guys for all of the support you show to me and my blog. I feel so blessed because of you.

Until next time…I remain in my Element – God Bless!

Don’t forget to share this post with your friends & family. I greatly appreciate it.

Hugs & Blessings



5 thoughts on “The Art of Emotional Mental and Spiritual Spring Cleaning

  1. Pingback: Wonderful Wednesday

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  3. indah savitri says:

    You are, right, Clearissa.. I sometimes pile so many unnecessary things at home in the name of memories and guilt of throwing them away. Thank you soo much for the tips and I hope I can definitely keep my mental healthy in the right place, especially at home. Cheers from #OMHGWW

  4. Pingback: Wonderful Wednesday - Oh My Heartsie Girl

  5. Clearissa Coward says:

    Hi Indah, sorry for the delay in response, but my site was down for repair annnnd there were some personal matters going on but I’m back. 🙂 Yes, I think we all deal with the guilt and holding onto things we no longer need.It’s a journey. Again, thank you and be well.

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