From the Desk of Clearissa Coward’s Command Center
The Art of Letting Go – Tips for Getting Rid of Sentimental Items
A Cozy Lifestyle with Clearissa Coward
Television programs and blogs on the internet talk about the problems associated with clutter. Let’s face it…I talk about it all the time. 😉 Do you ever wonder why there are so many people in need of organization help? Well, there are several reasons. Sometimes people keep a lot of stuff simply because they are leaning toward hoarding. Others because they like a lot of things around them while others hold onto items because of sentimental reasons. In this article we will discuss The Art of Letting Go – Tips for Getting Rid of Sentimental Items.
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- First-time parents are often guilty of holding on to things for sentimental reasons. They want to keep every homemade card from their child or every picture ever taken of their baby. As much as parents love their children and want to remember them as they were, there comes a time when letting go of mementos is all right.
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- One option to consider, rather than holding onto the items, is taking photos of them. Line your children’s drawings up on the table and take pictures. If the drawings were when the child was much younger, taking a picture of them will probably suffice. For newer drawings, take a picture of your child with their drawings and be sure to date them. This will also help you to remember specifics about your child at the time.
- Other things people do not want to throw away are photographs. It does not matter if the photo is blurry or the subject is cut off – some people simply do not want to let go of them. Rather than holding on to every photograph, choose the best ones and place them in a photo album. Scrapbooking would be another option, especially if you journal about the photos, as well. Or how about scanning your photos into your computer or keeping them on an external hard drive.
- What do you do with Grandma Sue’s chipped china that is missing several pieces? It would be difficult to part with the set. However, there is an alternative. Rather than getting rid of the entire set, let each family choose one place setting or cup and saucer to keep. Display them with a photo of Grandma Sue and it becomes more than old dishes; it becomes a way to remember a beloved family member and something that was important to them. Use the set as a decorative piece. Maybe holding a bunch of faux flowers. Wouldn’t it be great if the bunch were Grandma’s favorite yellow roses?
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- Consider the reasons why you are holding onto specific items. Did your favorite uncle leave you a piece of artwork when he passed? If you do not love the artwork, you may feel guilty about not wanting to keep it. Remember that letting go of the artwork does not mean that you loved your uncle less. It simply means that you are releasing it to allow someone who will love it to have it. And in doing so, you are letting of a little bit of stress in your life.
If you are having a hard time letting go of anything, take a hard look at all you have. This may sound like a strange exercise but think about the items that you would miss if you lost your home to a natural disaster. If you could easily replace all but a few things, keep only those items that are most important. Let everything else go.
Seek professional help if you cannot bring yourself to let things go. A professional organizer will be very helpful in helping you decide about letting things go and what to keep and what to let go of. If you continue to have trouble while working with a professional organization specialist, perhaps talking with a therapist would help you work through the emotions attached to the items. They can help you learn the art of letting go.
The thing to remember is that things do not actually represent your loved ones. Trust me, you do not need an entire eight place setting of china taking up space when you never have formal dinners, just because the set belonged to your Nana. It was your Nana that you loved and you will never forget her. The Art of Letting Go can be a learned behavior.
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Until next time…Find And Remain In Your Own Personal Element – Hugs & Blessings!
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Hugs & Blessings
This is a tender subject for me as I am very sentimental.I’m better than I used to be but it’s hard. I’m glad you mentioned counseling and professional help to learn to let go. Sometimes folks need help.
I totally get it friend. It used to difficult for me too. Still is about some things. But talking it through with someone can sometimes help.