Apr 1, 2015
The subject of child support can become very volatile. There are several different trains of thought and opinions concerning the how’s, why’s and who’s involved in the situation. If the adults involved take their eyes off the prize, which is the children, and become immersed in one upping each other, it can become an ugly situation.
Let me preference this article by affirming that I realize there are many parents who make their child support payments on time, consistently, and without issue. Further, there are parents who have mastered the art of co-parenting so well, that they share extra expenses such as purchasing a car, or unexpected medical issues, or any of the other myriad of unexpected expenses that arise when one is raising children. These couples do not argue over finances. They have placed the well-being of their children at the forefront of their existence. This is the perfect scenario but unfortunately, not the only scenario.
Read the entire article here: http://momsmagazine.com/2015/04/01/the-truth-about-child-support/.
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