From the Desk of Clearissa’s Command Center via My Soulful Life –
Here’s an exerpt from my lastest article with Mom’s Magazine. I have been a member of the workforce
since I was sixteen years old and trust me that was many, many moons ago. I am proud to say I have never been fired from a job and I have never quit one job without having another. Well except for when I was traveling with my then, military husband. But I always found another within 3 months. I am not bragging it is just the mindset of a baby boomer that was raised by parents who both had serious work ethics.
But recently I was displaced during a re-organization at my place of business. It was not personal and rationally I know that but emotionally I wasn’t so sure. There were many people displaced during this change; however, I would not be telling you the truth if I did not say I was hurt, confused, sad, fearful and evenangry for a time. But I only allowed those feeling to permeate my world for a short time. As I told someone recently…I lost a job not a love one. Things could certainly be worse. And with that, I decided to take charge of my life and I made a conscious decision to turn a not so positive circumstance into a positive outcome. I had to get in touch with and allow all of the different emotions to come and go. I allowed myself to feel them and once I had, I let them go. Read the entire article here.
Clearissa Coward is a lifestyle blogger with an emphasis on organization and redesign. However, there are times when she delves into love, feelings, family, fantasy and the reality of life. Join her on her journey to better understand the intricacies of life.
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