From the Desk of Clearissa’s Command Center
Another week has passed and I met my goal of posting three articles. Yaaay Me! We were also blessed with a guest post which was awesome. If you missed any of this week’s posts, you can catch up with this week’s recap.
As I have promised you and myself, one of my goals for this year is to write at least three blogs each week, and I think the weekly recap will help to hold me accountable. I realize things will come up, writer’s block will come along, but, for the most part, I want to stick to my plan. So let’s get started for this past week, May 25 – May 29, 2015.
Epsom Salt in the Garden – It Works

From the Desk of Clearissa Coward’s Command Center – The Outdoors
Posted May 18 – Hubpages
My Rose Garden Success
I could dub this the year of the rose because I am having a phenomenal year of growth and blooms in my rose garden. They are growing out of control and blooming more than they ever have. My neighbors stop by often to comment on the lushness of my rose garden. I am ecstatic! I am frequently peeking out of the window when I am inside and/or standing and staring when I am leaving or entering the house. I am so happy with the view. Read the entire article and view all of the photos here.
Virtual Assistant Weekly Tips May 25 – May 29, 2015

From the Desk of Clearissa’s Command Center via Customized Virtual Business Solutions Week of May 25 – May 29, 2015
Not sure if you need or how to use the services of a Virtual Assistant (VA)? Hopefully, my weekly tips will help you or give you new ideas on how to use the services of a professional VA.
Week III
Are you planning an event/webinar/meeting with several clients? Contract a VA to coordinate the event. S/he can contact other speakers/presenters, research venues to determine specifics and determine cost. Your VA can obtain written quotes and provide you with a report of the findings. S/he can arrange to be present to greet attendees or arrange for an onsite greeter for your event as well as ensure all equipment, refreshments, and handouts are available. Read the entire article here.
Feeling At Home Away From Home

From the Desk of Clearissa Coward’s Command Center – Feeling at Home Away From Home
We are in luck this week. Patricia Leitao, a fellow blogger and featured writer for has agreed to share an article with Command Center followers. I don’t know about many of you, but I have lived in a different country and it was quite an adjustment. Truth be told, moving to a new state can be an adjustment as well. In this article, Patricia is providing tips for making the transition less painful and easier to maneuver
Read the article and take a minute to leave Patricia a comment. Let’s show her some Command Center love.
Article written by Patricia Leitao, also writer for
No matter your age or where you live, there comes a certain point in your life when you have to move on. That also means moving out. Out of your parent’s house, out of your hometown, your college dorm, a house that you’re already used to, your country, your comfort zone. Life works in unusual ways and we end up finding ourselves moving and going to unclear paths.
With that, comes also an amazing opportunity to discover new things about yourself, and learn from new places, people, and experiences. So if you’re a couple on an exciting travelling adventure, a student going to their first place alone, or whatever the next step you’re taking in life, here are some ideas to stay in touch with your origins and how to take a little piece of home wherever you go. Read the entire article and connect with Patricia here.
I hope you are enjoying the series and will come back next week for more small home refreshes, soulful life experiences, useful virtual assistant tips, Avon product updates and Organizing on a Budget articles. I would love it if you would share your spring spruce-ups, life experiences, virtual assistant question, Avon experience or any questions you may have. It would also be fun to hear/read your ideas and see your pictures. Share.
Remember to share…sharing is caring
See ya next week.