From the Desk of Clearissa Coward’s Command Center
What To Expect In 2018
It’s over. After all of the preparation and hard work, Christmas is over, and I don’t know about you, but I am okay with that. Hubs and I have already taken town alllllll of decorations and put them away. It took the entire day to get the decorations down, organized and put away. Now we can move onto 2018.
I decided this year, I was not going to just throw my ornaments in boxes and put them away without any rhyme or reason. This year, I took my time, this year we invested in large totes and of course I used my label gun. We worked on the decorations late last night and because of that, there is no video or pictures, but know that next year, I will know where all my decorations are located, and it will be easier to decorate. Yaay Me!! Oh yeah…Yaay Hubs too!! He helped. 🙂
I realize it may sound odd for an organizer to admit her decorations were a mess, but hey…this is real life, and no one is perfect, and my decorations were an area I simply ignored in the past. But I realized this year that pulling the decorations out and getting everything decorated is much harder when things are in disarray. So, I set out to fix that.
Moving on into 2018, I will be going through every closet and drawer in my home and purging and reorganizing. For example, my sock drawer is a total mess but not for long. I am even going into hubs’ closet as well. He has put me off long enough so stay tuned and come with me and let’s purge, organize and clean our homes together.
Stay tuned for checklists and more how-tos, upcycles and DIYs in 2018. I may also try to add each blog to my vlog as well. And on my YouTube channel, I may even add some clean with me and shop with me videos as well. And for those of you who read my last blog, I will also keep you guys up-to-date on my mother’s progress in her new assisted living facility. Oh, what a journey this has been.
So, until then. Tell me how you pack your Christmas decorations. Do you purchase special boxes or bins, or do you just dump yours in a big box? I am just curious.
Until next time…Organization is my element
If you are interested in what Christmas on Bay was like last year you can find it here.
Don’t forget to download your copy of Organize Your Life in 21 Days. I promise you this book will help you with many of your organizational issues. Even the emotional ones. So be sure to get your copy today. It is also available for download at the Kindle Store on Amazon.
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Until next time…Organization is my element
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Thank You for the Visit!
That is exactly what I need to do, purge everything. I will start with reorganizing Christmas decorations and go through everything. Thanks for the inspiration, Clearissa.
Hi Barbara. That is exactly what got me motivated. Putting away the Christmas decorations and Now I am on roll. In the midst of all of the reorganizing, I also want to add a little farmhouse style to the house as well. It is going to be a busy year but a fun year.
How wonderful to have your decorations organized for next year! One year we took the lights off the house and shoved them in a box without winding them around anything. Well… The following year was a complete disaster trying to get them untangled!! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
Oh my Marci. I know that was a disaster because I have done the same thing with the lights from our tree. Never again!!! 🙂
I need to purge and organize and maybe this will be my year. lol I have my Christmas decorations semi-organized. I have 10 or 12 tubs and write on the side of each tub what is in it. Since I have enough to decorate 3 or 4 houses I don’t open every tub every year so the writing helps me know which tub has what I want is in.
Victoria you are so lucky!!! I have to organize my decorations because I just don’t have that much storage space. I had like 8 Christmas bins but I bought 2 very large ones that took the place of the 6 of the smaller ones which took up less space. WhooHoo. Girl when you learn to use what you have to the best of your ability. 🙂 I wish I had more space though. I am on a mission to purge a lot of my space this year. I hope you will join me. lol
I am on the same wave length as you in packing up the Christmas decorations. I started packing and labeling everything in an organized way about 3 years ago and it is awesome. It truly does make things go better when you pull them out to decorate. I made lists today on going through the house room by room organizing. My closet is going to be the big one. I have all of the clothes that I kept for when “I lose weight” The problem now is that the clothes are so outdate, I wouldn’t wear them anyway if I did lose weight!!! LOL
Hi Pamela,
I feel you. My closet is next on my list as well, but before the year is over, I intend to go through every closet and drawer in our home. Hubs isn’t happy because after my main closet is his closet. Oh Happy Day! 🙂 We need more storage space, but I keep reminding him that we have to work with what we have unless he wants to move. 🙂 Hey Pamela, let’s do this together in 2018! We will keep each other encouraged and focused.
We’ve been purging for the last year! It’s an ongoing process! Sounds like you’re off to a good start with 2018!
Hi Nancy. I think I am off to a good start too. I am determined to touch every closet and every drawer and storage bin in my home this year. Wish me luck. 🙂
My husband took down and put away most of the Christmas decorations this year. I’m a little afraid to check out exactly how they were put in the tubs! I’m glad to hear that your sock drawer is a mess too, makes me feel better because mine is a mess too. My husband often teases me about not being able to find mates to my socks. That is a drawer I’m planning on tackling too! Thank you for co-hosting and sharing on the #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty! I pinned to my Organize board.
Hi Teresa,
Hopefully, your husband did a decent job putting away the Christmas decorations. We will just keep our fingers crossed. 🙂 As far as your sock drawer, check out my blog on Monday. I am setting up my schedule for the rest of the month and my sock drawer and other drawers are first on my list. 🙂 Thanks for popping in.
We have bins for our Christmas decorations that are see-through with labeled boxes within the bins. This makes it very easy to use for decorating each year. I had not done a major purge for a few years and things were building up. So past weekend my husband and I worked together to get some done and I filled trash bags, recylce bins, and have three bags of clothing to donate to an area thrift shop. It feels so good. And I feel lighter without losing any weight! I went through our freezer and we’ll be eating meals out of that for the next couple of weeks in an effort to get that cleaned out. Yay! #GrandmothersBloggingLinkParty
Hi Molly, you are on a roll. My fridge and freezers are on my list as well. Keep the momentum going. And enjoy the feeling of freedom after each purge. 🙂
Yay!! thanks for admitting that organizers have messes too!!
🙂 Hi Melinda, I don’t what organizers you hang out with, but on the real, I am always trying to find better ways to organize “stuff”. And I have a hone that is lived in. Yes, I can organize my pantry, but my husband and grandchildren (when they’re here) love snacks, cereal, etc. as well so guess what, I and my home are a work in progress. 🙂 I just try to share my journey with you guys. Let’s fix it and re-fix it together. 🙂