From the Desk of Clearissa Coward’s Command Center – A 2015 Recap of the Top 5 Posts
I know you’ve heard this a hundred times already, but you haven’t heard it from me…Happy New Year. I hope you are releasing 2015, embracing 2016 and looking forward to a grand, organized and upcycled year. I know I am. I am excited to continue this ride with you in 2016.
With that said, I wanted to first take a look back at the five most popular posts from the Command Center in 2015. These are the posts that you, Command Center followers have shared, commented on, or liked the most. The Command Center had an awesome year last year and it is all because of you. Thank you.
The first post was a refresh. A refresh is when you update a space without any structural changes. In this case, I didn’t even change the paint because I happen to still love it. But the guest bath was a bit stale to me so I refreshed it with a few cost effective and simple changes. You can revisit the article here and perhaps get some ideas for a refresh of your own. Read it and see the pics here.
The second most popular post was one explaining my journey into the world of blogging. It was an article written from my heart and although it was not about organization or upcycling you guys still found it interesting. I appreciate your interest in my journey and I truly enjoy sharing it with you. Reminisce with me and read How Did I Get to This Place… here.
I was honored, but not surprised that the third choice was a Command Center favorite. Most of us have all of those appliance manuals and gadget warranties all over the house or all stuff in one junk drawer. It can be a messy situation; however, this post showed you step by step how to create a binder to house all of your appliance manuals and warranties in one convenient place. That way if something happens and it always does, you won’t have to get overwhelmed. You can simply go to your household binder and all you need will be right there at your fingertips. Read the article and perhaps you didn’t build your personal binder last time, well it’s never too late for organization. Get the instructions here.
Do you remember when we decluttered our kitchen counter tops? No? Well we did. I did a complete on the organization and decluttering kitchen counter tops and you guys made it one of my more successful posts. It’s easy to see why. None of use actually enjoys clutter; however, sometimes we just need a nudge or reminder that clutter can be handled and that is exactly what this article did. It was a nudge to get rid of all the junk on your countertops. Thank you for making this a successful post and if you need a reminder or nudge for the new year, you can find it here.
Finally, you guys truly enjoyed a thrifting day. You guys were all over the bargains we found and so was I. I haven’t upcycled all of the thrifted items yet, but I will. You can refresh your memory of all of my finds here. And if you want to see how I upcycles some of them…check it out here
There you have it, some of my more popular posts for 2015. I’ve had a good 2015 and now I am bracing myself for a magical 2016. I hope you will stay with me because you are appreciated.
Let’s go…
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